When she says he’s “more handsome in person” it looks like she’s about to grab a knife and fork and eat him right up, y’all!!!
Fair enough, I felt dirty while typing it out, too.
Take your damn star.
Okay, fine, I’ll take one for the team:
I actually screamed when I saw that last week. Bless that handsome motherfucker he is bound and determined to make poe gay. I know some are worried about pandering but I honestly believe he will make his character as gay as possible whether or not they write it that way.
That was Holiday Inn lounge singer bad.
I love Regal. Finally caved and joined their crown club because that’s where we’ve been going to see movies recently and I might as well get some rewards for patronizing them.
Thankfully, our Regal does. I love it. We order ahead of time, pick the seats and don’t have to worry about getting stuck up front.
Your response here is evidence in support of her original thesis that wypipo are fragile.
“...I think every SVU fan I know would take a bullet for B.D. Wong as forensic psychologist Dr. George Huang.”
I’m just disappointed that Barba and Carisi never got together. :(
Barba was definitely SVU’s greatest ADA. Hands down. My fiance and I have been binging SVU on Netflix, and he’s a goddamned gem.
this might be the most correct take in the history of correct takes
i don’t want kids. i had my tubes tied so i don’t have any accidents. babies especially are not for me, out of all the varieties of kids.
I have a trust, which is good. I would also want to remain anonymous, of course, my plan for the money would bring me into the spot light. i want to essentially, establish an abortion underground railroad. I’d establish services in all the states that have no clinics, we’d set up transportation, childcare, money for…
The “Face Off Machine” scene with Statham, and Allison Janney telling him it takes quarters. The continual rodent problem where the analysts worked, Rose Byrne in general. That was the most fun I had at the theater since Bridesmaids.
Right now I’m imagining Quentin Tarantino in a cell with ‘Law and Order: SVU’’s Detective Stabler.
49 years old Prince in 2007 says no, Timberlake is just mediocre.