A parallel factor is Bi people not being counted by certain types unless they’re seen in a same-sex romantic relationship for an extended period of time.
A parallel factor is Bi people not being counted by certain types unless they’re seen in a same-sex romantic relationship for an extended period of time.
This article seems like a straw man argument based on a pedantic read of the term addictive personality. It’s not meant to describe a personality type in the sense of a cosmo/Facebook quiz, it’s a term meant to point out that people who struggle with addiction often struggle forever with one or more addictions. Go to…
They would, because these would be intact baby-looking fetuses (if people are doing medication abortion into the 2nd trimester). Just because something looks like a baby doesn’t take away someone’s right to an abortion. Fetal recognizability is a big area of internalized abortion stigma even for prochoice folks.
Well ... at least its not Hop; the most passive of rivals.
He’s pretty good when he wants to be and has a decent script. Can’t really fault him for taking 20 million to go on working vacations every so often with his dumbass friends.
I still “self-talk” myself through unfamiliar or complicated tasks and I am way past the toddler stage. My best (and most rational) conversations are with myself and if it makes other people think you are crazy, so much the better.
I think I benefit from having never been cool, even when I was young, but I’m not particularly fussed about being old or about people thinking of me as old. On the contrary, whenever I see members of my generation still trying to look hip, it’s hard not to chuckle a little bit.
All of this to me seems to be someone who is convinced that being youth is intrinsically better than age, and that everyone who is old somehow wants to hide it and appear young.
All of this sounds like someone who doesnt work in an office. No one gives a shit about any of these things. No one is laughing at the Olds for saying Presentation instead of Slide Deck.
It's clear you're not looking for answers in earnest, but the reason it's inadvisable for white folks to talk critically about black hair is the long history of discrimination based on hair styles and textures. White people don't have the same challenges, that should be pretty obvious.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s, not your misogyny therapy session.
I truly hope what Spellman says about Sharon Carter is not just hyperbole. I’ve always been slightly miffed that Carter’s never gotten a chance to really shine in the MCU; I’m looking forward to her character getting her proper due.
We don’t talk about them.
Thrilled that Sharon Carter is coming back—I love that actress. The show overall looks like a lot of fun. It’ll be nice to have a more straight-forward MCU show, after the wild ride that is WandaVision.
Phase 1: start up
“Came from a good family” seems like an aggravating circumstance, not a mitigating one. If you grew up suffering sexual abuse in an orphanage and then commit a sex crime, I can see a judge taking that into account. If you grew up in a “good family” with all possible advantages, what’s your excuse?
Cats is a bunch of poems, crudely shaped into songs, and then shoehorned around an abstract excuse for a plot. It’s fucking terrible.
Who fucking cares. Let people have fun. Jesus.