
I pre-ordered it and have been playing it on repeat all week. I love it!

Here’s your star, you bastard.

Given that the Navy is filled with sea men, the penis seems legit.

But the heart wants what it wants...

Split the difference, adopt the Penix as a mascot:

I was practicing some cheers for the upcoming school year with a couple of my neighbors just for fun.

For this we pray.

Sign me up.

5 years from now, men will be extinct, having been replaced by Smart Phone Dildos that can also perform CPR.

Katie Cassidy always makes me fondly remember Richard Lawson’s exquisite Gossip Girl recaps. Up to something, that Katie Cassidy.

It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.

I miss Behind Closed Ovens.

Hamlet. It’s Hamlet with lions.

It’s reasonable to predict they go down together (which may be the first time Pence goes down; but that’s Mother’s problem).

My very best friend in the whole world is a woman I met in high school, but other than that, nope. No thanks. I’ll see people at the reunions and be friends on Facebook if they were nice to me, but that’s it.

So can we assume that nobody is telling Drumph about Area 51 now?

That quote by Cate Blanchette is EVERYTHING.

I KNEW IT. My intense dislike of Xander is justified. He pulled so much shit and no one ever, ever called him out on it.

"The insincerity of these sorts of compliments is obvious, and as a result, their effectiveness is limited at best. The PUAs argue that by negging, they're offering a genuinely honest alternative to the usual hokum of the bar scene. No woman really is an angel, after all; expressing limited, critical interest through