
Bernie forced her supporters to claim that Obama wasn’t American in 2008 which Trump then used as the basis of his political career!

Ah ha, it was Bernie’s fault. Stupid Sanders started calling Hillary Clinton crooked. Otherwise Trump probably would have spent months talking about her in measured tones, mentioning the nuanced way she was forced to balance the interests of her constituents with the realities of financing a campaign. He basically

call me crazy, but i think the Democractic party would be wise to cease any and all finger-pointing/blaming/mud-slinging until AFTER the 2020 election.
just sayin.

I like how scrolling on my phone makes the content move left and right like the page is drunk and can’t walk straight.

I love that when I’ve scrolled down in a page there’s no easy way to get back to the main page. It’s fun to scroll back up.

It’s OK, it’s only one of the most important moments of the TV series I’ve been watching for six years, cross-posted to Deadspin and sprayed all over the top of the page.

Merging my Disqus and Kinja accounts doesn’t work. Also, the site is ugly and soulless, like Gawker. I’m pretty sad about this whole thing. :(