
This is . . . it is green.

Well, at least we can take comfort in watching TV with the remaining 90% of viewers, instead of stepping outside during a stunning, once-in-a-lifetime experience of nature.

This was the only movie OOG walked out of in OOG whole life. If the alt-right is indebted to this movie, it says a lot about them; 300 was like the wet dream of an angry, stupid, unimaginative 12-year-old. It was like "The Homer" automobile, if the Simpsons early seasons were torture porn.

Remember when that one Dothraki dueled Jorah Mormont and lost because his arakh (yep, just googled that) couldn't penetrated Mormont's armor? Guess they got sharper arakhs since then.

Hopefully the movie will just be titled "Mega Man 2."

What if it's "wicked retahded," and it's literally the only phrase you know [after the accident]?

Good news! With amazing new slogans like "Have you seen the other guys?" and righteous denunciations of the country's most popular politician (http://tinyurl.com/y853wb4w), I think we can all forecast a Democratic ROUT in 2018.

It's true! Thanks to those rascals, Hitler's hopes of being elected POTUS were utterly dashed.

Naw man. I'm talking about METALLICA

Oh how I wish I could have seen Metallica. You know, METALLICA.

The NRA had this problem already—when you've won your war so thoroughly you just keep picking newer, more unimaginable, more peripheral fights (guns in bars! guns in airports!), so as to always and immediately cast yourself as the besieged party in each one.

I have often found that you find better political discussion in the comments of websites like the AV Club that aren't directly politics-based sites. Because actual politics sites' comment tend to be overrun with the kind of short, punchy, sarcastic comments that accomplish nothing beyond being short and sarcastic.

Keep reaching across that aisle, Democrats, though it dolly zoom away unto eternity.

Hot cocoa + Rumple Minze = A
Hot cocoa + Green Chartreuse = A+

A tsp would get buried under 2 oz of gin. May as well do like a certain prime minister and just drink straight gin until your nose is puffy and red. That's the English Way, and they certainly didn't invent the cocktail.

Not a Video Game About the Movie about Thing but the Movie About the Thing Itself

Just a Buffy episode? I recall a late-series episode of ST: TNG with good ol' Will Riker in a similar circumstance.

Perhaps this should have been a 66-item list, and items 26 through 65 could be blank pages leading up to INVOCATION by DANZIG off of DANZIG 4

I just knew Han Solo would die in this movie the moment he fell off a bridge. I thought "He can't fall forever! Maybe there's a vent there that he'll get sucked into, though." Then I thought "Or maybe yet the planet will turn into a sun and Han Solo will be a Sun God." That's when I thought "But JJ Abrams has never

"Does they even make sense?"