
He’s still there?!

Hell yeah! I totally know what that is. I didn’t google it or anything.

If you think a guy making Mary J Blige look like prime Michael Jackson is endearing then I’m your guy, Rooo. I can’t even look at her dancing and laugh. I might frame by frame it and step my game up.

It’s all about the wall lean and head bob. Maybe throw some shoulder work in if you’re feeling brave.

I feel an intense camaraderie for these ten non dancing mf’ers.

There was no time to get deep enough to be on color shades when she was saying that shit about lightning and frogs. *shudder*

She’s got zero receipts. She couldn’t hear shit over the din of all that tapdancing.

Yankees til I die but that shit was crazy. Impossible to not get hyped seeing that.

I bet this guy has dirt on nearly every influential Houstonian.

That’s a scheme even the Joker would be proud of.

Gal Gadot is fine as hell and she makes bad movies as a hobby and I’m ashamed of how many I’ve seen.

Here’s hoping!

I’m more worried about KP’s health than my own.

You just know those dumb as rocks trust fund dicks thought about the move from Buck to Joe and gave it a shot.

This woman is so fine it’s actually taken some of the shine off my day. I haven’t been right since I clicked this link.

Do these really work?

Do these really work?

Oh my goddd I’m gonna spend eternity sitting on the back of the bus in hell. I’m sorry Stevie!

Nah. Delete this immediately. I’m a 6/10 on a good day and 4 of that is the beard. Why is The Root coming for me.

Weinstein’s lawyers have this bullshit bookmarked.

I actually felt bad watching Lebron disinterest his way through that game vs NY. I don’t even want to see a washed up Lebron, or Messi.