
Equally hilarious is the moment they realize the political party they pledge their unwavering devotion to is also not on their side.

it’s always so funny to watch when right wing nutjobs are confronted with the fact that the general populace is not on their side

<Rick and Morty Car Battery Episode.jpg>

I don’t see where I said this is a set of problems that are easily solved, just that they mostly are solved. Nor can I say that I consider our various issues entirely moral failings. At some point in our history, our imagination simply became completely stunted and status quo became preferred even when it’s very

Eh, its more of a Shelbyville idea, anyway.”   You beat me to it. Enjoy your star!

Meanwhile I’m over here getting paid for 40 hours though average 60 hours, fucking salary.

But the point of it was to allow nations to compete peacefully in sport rather than on the battlefield. That’s why we haven’t had any wars since 1896 when the modern games began. Without the games we might have had a couple of major wars involving most of the world — “world wars” to coin a phrase.

The primetime showings aren’t for people who are interested in the sport of it. If you’re a luge head, you’re watching that shit live. The primetime sports are for the people who like the olympics as human interest pieces/jingoistic entertainment, and you can find plenty of that elsewhere.

Yup. The way they manufacture a storyline for every athlete -- meaning only Americans, the other athletes of the world don’t exist -- like it’s reality TV is sickening.

I dunno, a monorail sounds more like a Shelbyville idea.

My wife and I have tried to watch a couple of the full, four-hour events live on Peacock, but the real-time gets a little tedious because of the big gaps. Watching them on replay was much better because we could fast-forward through the non-action parts and we could skip around through some of the event.

Travel more. The rest of the world does it.

People have an irrational reaction to lane-splitting purely out of selfish, “well why should *that* person get to go to the front instead of waiting like the rest of us!?” sentiments

It’s not a counterpoint if you’re not making an actual argument, but stating a baseless opinion. Educate yourself, then come back and try again.

None of that is relevant to anything.

Legendary storytelling David, and I for one am amazed you saved the FC. I knew you’d never willingly quit, but man the early photos looked like a dead-in-the-water effort.

I voted for Biden because he wasn’t Trump. Yes. Many voted for the same reason. But that doesn’t mean my expectations or wants from him as a leader end there. We will never see improvements in our society if all we ever do is settle for the status quo after taking steps backward.

Saying that the Warren and Sanders

Harrison Bergeron would remove that weight.  Just saying.  

“Qianjiang... the Chinese bike maker behind Benelli and QJ Motor.”

If there is a group that is willing to be compliant with overreaching rules for “our safety” it should be TSA employees.