
I am sure your wife is a lovely lady, but just the way I read your post made me think of AD

I don’t come away from this hating RuPaul at all, I just know that if it was me on a show in close proximity to an idol of mine, I would gush a bit, and if Pearl was crushed by his response, I would have been too. I am sure it was not meant to be harsh and that Ru probably just wanted Pearl to focus shining bright on

This just creates a ‘savior’ complex, we just hope rich people will come to our aid with money for charity, for hurricanes and tornadoes, for healthcare costs, for education. When in reality, if we just fucking taxed these individuals appropriately we would have funding in place to take care of each other when things

I agree. But I would have been pretty bummed if I did that and got the response Pearl did. I mean she seems to be very reasonable about it now, but my reaction would have been the same as hers. 

it had as much potential as girls, which is a shame that it did not get the seasons to improve. I enjoyed the perspective. And seeing the guy who played Damian in Mean Girls acting is always a joy. Guy has charisma

Yeah everything she says about him sounds pretty on the nose. Not sure about Grimes. She seems like a flake. A talented flake, but a flake nonetheless. 

I think even for people who use and enjoy Twitter, they will readily acknowledge how shitty it is. I hope something better comes along to replace it. 

Helena was just so goddamn cute in this movie. This and Lady Jane Grey she was great, perhaps more ‘traditional’ English performances than what she is currently known for. And DDL all young and skinny and uptight! This movie is a gem.

I have a friend who was like I am going to make desert and he did snickers salad and I am like his is not a thing, who would like this?

Why is good rice so hard to cook? stove rice is never good 

Life is long yo. Plenty of time to get on and then off track repeatedly.

Yeah I think there is a world of difference between Kanye now and Kanye 2005. His mother passed, he married a Kardashian, he has failed many times in fashion, music aint that great anymore.

Is it? I truly feel like I don’t know her. I could see the controlling part of ones image, all movie stars are. Even when I read gossip blinds that are supposedly about her I still don’t feel like I know what she is really about. But I will say she has Voight in her veins and her dad was a major dickhead to her mom

Now playing

I can’t think of this show without thinking about the Inside Amy Schumer spoof, where Jake Gyllenhaal was a devoted ferret owner.

Granny Panties for life. Thongs are infections and irritations waiting to happen. Hipsters are no match for my wine belly

Ah yes, coddling unhinged, narcissistic assholes always works out well in the long run.

It is for some reason one of my favorite movies. Even Nick Cage’s awful voice works somehow. She was great in it. She is great in almost everything I have seen her in. 

I can def see Meghan digging it for the fashion aspect as well. And I know they take frequent trips to Africa and Australia so I am sure she will get her sun in. 

No need to argue. They are both eternally hot

I thought the embassy was trying to kick him out, so those two love birds would need to nest elsewhere. I like the idea of Mars for them myself.