
Yeah his documentary was shit. Not the shit, but rather, festering hot turd of nonsense.

I agree with your statement - we can’t ever be comfortable until justice for sexual assault victims occurs daily, not once in a blue moon. Justice in a “found guilty in a court of law, here is your jail time punishment” literal way. It needs to be done on a local level, police departments need to be trained on it,

And I think I stopped watching it after season 4.....

Well your optimism gives me a little bit too. :)

eh, he was not that great in the movie. Nothing in the eyes. He knows he is handsome so he doesn’t put his brain into it.

It was a really hard week. I feel there are harder ones in the future. Trump and the rest of the rapists/misogynists that rule that world are really doing an excellent job giving us all anxiety. At least that is how I see it.

There is also a great book by Jill Lepore on the suffragist influence on Wonder Woman. Margaret Sanger, her sister and her niece all were very influential on the making of Wonder Woman by Marston.

Color me surprised that Rose is having to yell at a bunch of dudes about how awful Weinstein was. I doubt they believed her or or if they, gave not two shits about what she was going thru. They all just want to get paid, and she is the ‘product’ they were ‘selling’. Gross. Absolutely typical, but atrocious.

Kudos for the best relationship quote ever by a celebrity. It ain’t all magic. You are not one unit blah blah blah. Two ppl, two personalities, two sets of careers.

And some Democrats.

In Trumps’ America, racists are victims and deserve to be heard out, redeemed.

Such awkward walking. But some cool pieces. I liked the thigh high boots, and the high waisted tights are john waters trashy, which I love. Something about how, even when those supermodels were very young, they looked like women. I can’t say the same for Gigi and Kendal and Cara

I would rather it moved at the pace it needs to move at so Mueller and Co. can prove without embellishment or dramatics just how brazenly the Trump campaign broke laws. I want jail for all involved. But I understand the your frustration.

This ‘wellness’ stuff is crap. And a weird way to make eating disorders seem like they will make you healthier, rather than, in fact, miserable and decidedly malnourished (and perhaps broke). Gwyneth is on an express train to crazy. Shame she can’t be obnoxious about other charitable things. https://www.vice.com/en_us/

cooter crystals. damn that is the best name for something ever. thank you.

I have a problem with male sportscasters voices, Joe Buck comes to mind. Loud obnoxious

Yeah her face, even in profile, is unrecognizable.

worse. Way worse.

I agree with you about Cohen. I don’t know how seriously I should take all of the content he makes, but it is the type of shit we want to teach young girls/women not to engage in. But the entertainment industry hates women and he is walking that thin line of “I’m empowering them/but petty made up drama sells”  

Nothing innocent happens at 3am