
Since when is the President’s job to rescue every American criminal who gets caught overseas?

Well he did come to the rescue and he does deserve some basic gratitude for that. The only reason these 3 are on home soil now is because Trump intervened. If I was arrested for shoplifting (in China, of all places) and my president got me home (no matter how misaligned my politics are to his/her) I’d be sincerely

At least Trump did something about it

Then don’t elect stupid people and kill all who vote them. Civil war to the rescue.

I’ve always felt this image summarizes the whole family dynamic perfectly.

Get off your high horse.....everyone has done it, driven buzzed or drunk. DUI’s (when there is no accident let alone injuries/death) are one of the biggest frauds there is....it’s all about making money for the state/local jurisdictions (and I’m a lawyer) and very little about prevention. This is primarily due to

And probably copious amounts of PEDs

Expect it? We the public DEMAND it.

Actually it is not that simple. Don’t know where are you from. Don’t know how your family survived war but I can say that in Poland, over 70 years after war, german language is still not welcome or cherished on our streets. Some feelings are somewhat stronger than thoughts and common sense.

Hahaha, are their any other “-isms” you’d like to accuse me of while you’re all lathered up? News flash —you and your ilk’s faux outrage has gone on so long that we’ve reached a point where none of those accusations mean dick anymore, and no one to whom they’re directed gives a single shit about them.

Pull the tampon out already.

But, I thought the Indy 500 was a race?

Its the asian blood line

remember when Tiger looked like a californian, That mugshot say Florida all th way

The roadway looks good.

Woods has not won a golf tournament since 2013. We’ll update this post as more information becomes available.

Jesus, he got so drunk he looks like Garfield. That’s not quite Bill the Cat wasted, but it’s up there.

Wont catch Nicklaus, but still has a chance to surpass OJ.

Those hair plugs are really coming in nicely

I’d imagine sometimes it’s just easier bringing a wife to Thanksgiving than your roommate.