
Thank you. It is a wonderful thing to visualize, and had you not posted it, I would have never had the visual in my head.

But Tim, who is going to bring in all your cocaine if the wall goes up???

I LOVED Moana. The first 5 minutes were magical. And my jaw dropped at the end (in a good way) when I realized there was no “love story” for her.

Rumor has it their new President will be an AI robot wearing a skin suit.

“I’m not attacking you,” Kimmel returned, laughing.

That’s awesome! Me and my husband are watching Moana right now and we were discussing how great it is that there is more diversity and how important representation is. I love that kids will have so many different types of characters to look up to and relate to.

OK, I really didn’t want to make my post too long (plus it was destroying my brain cells to keep reading), but here’s more from this gem of an article:

Probably an inoculation against moths. With an upholstery needle.

Those poor boys need BOOTSTRAPS!!1!

Mr. Lockerupagus

So this is why the fucks in DC want to kill PBS...

Update: Ford announces increased production of truck tows. Pre-orders are also back-logged 3 months.

I think I speak for all of us when I say...GET. THE. FUCK. OUT!!

I wonder if that will be “aesthetically pleasing” enough?

Of all the stupid shitty things that Trumpanzees believed, I always found the “mexico will pay” the hardest to comprehend. How did they ever imagine that would work. Why would Mexico ever agree to that?

To that end, the RFP stipulates that the American side be “aesthetically pleasing in color,”

Remember what happened there? They announced the “stimulous” checks about three months in advance of mailing them out. This gave the oil companies enough time to hike up the price of gasoline by about $1.25/ gallon, and tgey kept it high until about 5 months after those checks were distributed.