
Here’s complicit Ivanka attending the Merkel meeting that she had NO business attending:

His 3rd person self-reference screams guilt and desperation.

Tillerson will instead stay in the U.S. to be on hand for a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping, before traveling to Russia the following week, Reuters said Monday.”

You can practically hear the tears rolling down his cheeks as he is told that he has the worst presidential approval rating in history (new).

I always said Trump was a fuckface...

That’s because you are dumb and jealous and don’t know how to “play the game” like they do. If you are over 40 and/or wear clogs please refrain from looking them directly in the eyes because you may give them feminist cooties...or quite possibly wisdom.

I am a huge fan of the Electric Bugaloo permanence in culture. I strive for at least twice a year references.

She was the special snowflake with the magical vagina - all the other dumb wumenz didn’t understand it like SHE does.

I see your Dean gifs and raise you:

Ugh. So I’m extremely conflicted with The Dark Tower. I am a huge Stephen King fan and devoured those books when I was younger.

The UK has been very into “Empire” period dramas recently (like Indian Summers), which have far more diverse casts (by their nature), but beyond that, I’m not sure how you can regularly make diverse casts in non-diverse historical recreations. Non-white people in pre-Victorian England were typically treated

Idris in Luther is one of my absolute favorites. I’m really pissed that there’s supposed to be another season and it’s been something like 4 years waiting.

it’s going to be interesting to see how Black Panther (2018)/comic book hero/ does at the box office.

Y’all are just too dumb. Everyone knows that Jesus is part of The Walking Dead Universe.

Which plastic surgery? The face, the tits, or the post baby tucks?

Fuck this whore too. Where are HER immigration papers?

Yes! My mom used to send me to the store to get “New Yorker” cheese - there was nothing plastic-y or oil-y about it. We always got more than a pound because we would steal slices as she made the mac n cheese. Mom’s was in the oven, usually with a can of stewed tomatoes and bread crumbs on top for crunchiness. All us

I know, right. The way she showed up was beautiful. And those “grandmotherly” things she said and did (I don’t want to give any spoilers or ruin anything for others) made me want to steal her for myself.

WOW. I did not know this. Thanks!

Thank You. I get the creepiest self-loathing vibe from him.