
I’m not gonna lie - I cried a couple of times. This movie has so much heart! The talking tattoo was brilliant. The Coconut Pirates were hilarious and cute. Instant classic for me.


In perfect Trump grifterism, let me add this GEM:

Here’s some interesting stuff I read:


Watching cartoons, wearing footie pajamas, laying on a sleeping bag (aka portable blanket), eating a poptart, drinking hot chocolate....

Could you please film them and post to YouTube? The last several X-Men movies have sucked donkey dong and your kids seem hella’ interesting.

Let’s give a round of applause to these fine women, or as I like to call them:

But Tim, who is going to bring in all your cocaine if the wall goes up???

I LOVED Moana. The first 5 minutes were magical. And my jaw dropped at the end (in a good way) when I realized there was no “love story” for her.

OK, I really didn’t want to make my post too long (plus it was destroying my brain cells to keep reading), but here’s more from this gem of an article:

America wants only the BEST immigrants! TREMENDOUS immigrants with the BEST stamina!

JFC, I just looked at their website and they are a bunch of fucking dumb ignorant cunts. I advise no one to visit their website, but if you do, you will find gems like this:

Update: Ford announces increased production of truck tows. Pre-orders are also back-logged 3 months.

Ford announces new addition to its production line in Mexico. Pre-orders are backlogged 6 months. Make America Great Again! Jobs!


Mexico just responded with how the design on their side will look...

Whatever material it winds up being, the design must be impenetrable by “sledgehammer, car jack, pick axe, chisel, battery operated impact tools, battery operated cutting tools, Oxy/acetylene torch or other similar hand-held tools” for at least 30 minutes.