
PHEW! [wipes brow]

Yeah, the only way I want hear about a fight breaking out at McDonalds is if someone stole my last french fry. Fuckers.

I bet you his name was Doug or Kevin....I’m gonna go with Doug.

This is what I think of when you say “American” cheese.

Lying POS feminist Katy Sagal comes clean in her new biography to make money. Let’s ALL give her a big hypocrite round of applause:

You forgot slut, spic, and about 1,000 other words.

While I am sorry that “retard” is a trigger word for you, I will not stop using it. It is a part of our language and aptly describes some things. Unfortunately, you are the one who equates retard with intellectually disabled due to those assholes who teased him. I have personally stopped people from teasing others in

Like, yea, most people attempt to be at least somewhat charming when they interact with other human beings

“Intellectually disabled” people are smarter the these RETARDS.

Oh Kellyanne.....too dumb to tell the difference between a scallion and asparagus, and so desparate like the 250th girl in a porn audition choking down a banana to illustrate no gag reflex.

Agreed. Nothing about her is brilliant. She is completely transparent and fucking dumb - just because she is the pied-pipers of other retards does not make her smart or talented. Anyone with reasonable common sense has her number from a mile away.

“The True First Lady of Trump’s America.” - of course she is when this is the definition of Trump’s America

Eh, I feel like when your daddy paid for your acceptance and you have people paid to do your work and/or give passing grades, then what else IS there to do but be a drunk loser. I’m guessing he was light on the pussygrabbing due to his whiskey dick and peepee pants.

Let’s not forget “Diaper Don” as his Penn bros called him...

Thank God Ivanka was there at the meeting in her role as......? Oh wait, she has absolutely NO business being there sitting right beside Merkel.

Nah....Merkel doesn’t do kegels, she tells kegels what to do!

My gradeschool was very active in the community. We did meals on wheels, shoveled sidewalks, visited the old people homes and brought them gifts and food, sang Christmas carols while the elderly received communion, and other stuff. I know exactly how these people’s faces look when receiving even the smallest gesture.

Here’s another dirtbag:

Complicit Ivanka was giving J-Tru the look while he was speaking at the play also. Thirsty dumb desperate bitch with her “happy” marriage and fake brand.