
that looked like something out of Star Trek: The Original Series...

that's the new meme. kota queue!!!!!

two thumbs up. for Roger Ebert.

weren't these used as MiGs in the Top Gun movie?

wow, it's eerie how this parallels the Duke Nuke'em development path. troubled history. decided to start over with a new graphics/physics engine after things didn't work out with their proprietary engine. ended up coming out generations later. never recovered.

I hope it's the evil star ship that crashes. tired of seeing the Enterprise wrecked in every movie!

impressive that one guy did it. but I got kind of nauseous watching it...

that's amazing... but must drive the supplies manager crazy... "WTH is going on with all the post-its gone???"

that's the thing. you're no cave johnson...

i bet you don't believe we landed on the moon either...

cya, caveman...

that headline is awfully misleading. most of the latest phones aren't even at the level of Tegra 4 which delivers 80 GFLOPs. that's still a far cry from over 240 GFLOPs of the 360 GPU. and in 2 years, even optimistically assuming that mobile chipsets reach that level, the 360 will be 10 years old by then.

i'm not sure where you live, but trains out in California have outlets. battery life for me is secondary. I'm using to gaming laptops with 17" screens. You're lucky if you get an hour of battery during 100% CPU/GPU load

the true question is... any chance that 360 players can play against the next Xbox players? that would be a killer feature...

I've been talking about the flaws with Metacritic for years. to me, the #1 issue is they have control over who is included and who isn't. that's the single biggest factor in determining an overall score. when you get to pick and choose who's review/score you're going to include, you're going to sway the results.

google glass will be the terror of the world. all the creepy guys hanging out in the mall and other places just recording people.

just means that EA will be turning off the BF3 servers sooner than later... ugh... EA...

don't you know? he's practicing Missile Command!

too bad it sucks at playing MKVs.

wii u is pee-yew!!!! sorry, just felt like rhyming...