
you can easily delete your cards that you use for purchases off of Xbox. the only card hard to remove is one you use for memberships.

she's kind of weird. but cute... :D

I so remember that spot on my weekly bike ride along the bike path from Malibu to Redondo Beach!

so excited!!!! I'm just hoping that ship that crashes is the bad guy's and not the Enterprise. enough of destroying the Enterprise over and over again!!!

man, I don't know whether to applaud his intricate setup or deplore his landfill arrangement.

huh? many of these posts seems matter-of-fact... you want belligerent? read the things Jobs said about Google or Flash.

I'm curious who's machine is used to set these records. can you use your own machine? and if you can, how do we know the game hasn't been tampered in any way? and is there an official body like Guinness Book or something to monitor the whole thing?

that'd be hilarious. $1500. gone...

sounds like a reimagining of Tournament Cyberball 2072, one of the best football games out there. 4 players too. too bad today's gamers never got to really play it. it's really hard to just pick up and play though. most beginners want to play like tecmo and just juke a zillion times.

Tomb Raider! Lara Croft forever!

Windows 8. use News Bento.

I liked the $6 million room as well as the $15K Star Trek one. the others look great but the screens are too small!

why have any rules? how silly! if I want to use a baseball bat as my club, I should be able to.

i'm tired of these people always trying to convince people to switch. spending energy to get all your friends to switch to a Mac? then to an iPod? then to Android? it's fine telling people what you use but evangelizing is annoying.

yeah, Nokia build quality is great. but I can't get over the size of the 920. sometimes you sacrifice a little to get the form factor you want. like I had a Nokia 8210 way back when. tiny phone. slick design. but the internal antenna sucked. I had terrible reception compared to past phones.

yeah, unless you really really need the Nokia apps, the HTC 8X is pretty great. physical design is awesome. the thing feels so good in the hand and light. and it's even cheap enough that you can buy it unsubsidized. yeah, the lack of memory expansion is a problem. but if you don't go video/photo crazy, it's fine.

following the business model of the 3DO means failure. 3DO machines sold for $699 which will even make PS3 fans wince. same situation as before. the hardware makers have to make money selling the hardware or else why do it? expect the hardware developers to sell at a loss so that Valve can reap all the profit?

they should've spread out the promotion and made it easier on the servers by limiting the number of choices each day. so instead of all 700 over 2 days... go with 100 on day 1. the next 100 on day 2. next 100 on day 3. etc. this will keep people "hooked" as each day has offerings that won't be available on any

how can you not include Duke Nukem?

it was cool how the movie Starman talked about this. the gold disc is kind of an invitation to visit us. so the guy visits us and the government wants to capture or kill him. maybe aliens would announce themselves if we didn't shoot first and ask questions later.