
there are games that only run in windows 7 and not windows xp. you don't see people complaining.

it's also for xbox and windows phone.

was this played on the 360? Windows 8? Windows Phone? the review's not clear and there are some differences between the versions.

i'm lucky. i have 2 Microsoft Stores within 20 minutes of me. and a third is an hour away. but check out Best Buy. I saw them set up. you couldn't buy it yet but you could touch it.

because all the Subaru fans were crying...

LOL. I see an ad for painted hair. some weird black marker thing.

sony fans are legion. it'll do well enough.

it's Move 2.0! oh boy! oh boy! oh boy! so excited!!!

people have valid reasons to gripe. that doesn't change the truth that companies do exist to make money. they don't create companies just to pass the time.

no Doom series or Gears of War series?

that's the NRA money at work... damn lobbyists...

i tried it 3 different times. the first was like the second or third week it was out. the next was like 2 weeks later. the third time was like another 3 weeks later. and then I gave up. the doritos powder was weak compared to the real stuff. and the shell didn't taste like a nacho chip either.

i hope the taste is more authentic that the regular doritos one. they diluted the flavor so much on the doritos one so that it offends as few people as possible but people who order a doritos taco want the full-on doritos taste. it was so bland. and just gobs and gobs of sour cream. don't worry about trying to

are you starting from scratch or do you have a programming background?

haha... *goes and secretly downloads it*

woah! the star trek one looks sick! is there matching pants? thanks, giz!

if you're comparing Google Docs to Notepad, then yeah, Google Docs is full-featured...

where there's a will, there's a way. I still remember people turning UNO on the Xbox into a porn fest with the Vision camera...

we don't know if he missed the reference. like when you get a question that has a snide element, you don't play into the jokester's hand. you play the question straight up and defuse the joke.

a great programming environment to learn the basics is Visual Studio. start off with something like C#. the editor practically writes the code for you! the debugging is phenomenal. and it's free.