
70 lbs is not that much. Neither is 90. Most of the people who own these phones weigh over 90 lbs...

I admire his design and attitude. Me personally, I just stick the ice cream in the microwave, nuke it for 10-15 seconds... Nice soft ice cream that's not melted, not icy, not anything.

there are lots of advantage of this over Chromecast...

I'll take the first two girls (You Only Live Twice and Casino Royale).

how do they make it look like the camera is moving (like at the beginning of the video)? is that a postprocessing effect?

how do they make it look like the camera is moving (like at the beginning of the video)? is that a postprocessing effect?

looks like the Scion iQ...

it's ironic how Fish is such a crybaby. he kills every demographic with his biting comments and derisive statements and derogatory behavior. and when he gets some of it back, he cries and wants to stick his head in the sand. you go do that, Fish. If we never see you do anything again, that'd be fine by me.

it's all these annoying bloggers these days. annoyed gamer. angry gamer. whatever. just a bunch of guys trying to make money and fans by riling them up through biting commentary, humor, etc.

yeah, I could tell you were a vinyl owner from the way you wrote your posts...

you probably still listen to records, huh?

10 year old Onkyo? you should retire that thing. a lot of missing features over today's receivers.

I'm not advocating one way or another as I have devices in all the ecosystems (iPhone 5, iPad 2, Android tablets (ICS, Kindle Fire, Nook), Windows 8.

don't be hurt that I don't want a glorified PS3...

this isn't correct. on the 360, indies are fully independent on XBLIG. XBLIG has zero involvement by Microsoft and is completely community-run. it's by far the most indie of all the platforms. Sony, Valve, etc. still moderate and manage what gets published.

no thanks. i don't want a glorified PS3. I want new experiences...

not only that... the developers said for DR3 that if you install SmartGlass on your phone... in the game's story, at some point, you will receive "calls, text messages, voice messages, video messages" on your phone! It's not actually using your cell network and calling, but it's simulating a phone call to your

that's not true. it's true for PS3. but for the 360, there's no HDCP on HDMI for gameplay. that's why you can record HD over HDMI. it's why the HD-PVR2 and Elgato are popular.

yeah, that rumor is just FUD.

the 1000 friends limit is old information. it's since been updated to "virtually unlimited" though they won't say how much higher than 1000. I think they're using Facebook as a barometer (which allows 4000?).