Only Slightly Bent

His comment on the camera controls also felt a little off to me. Like, the point of the game was that it was giving us a 2D-esque experience within a 3D world, so it makes perfect sense that we’d be given carefully curated camera angles instead of a free-range camera.

“Super Mario 3D World just doesn’t play as effortlessly as I’d expect of a Mario game, a feeling perhaps compounded by this re-release coming hot on the heels of last year’s Super Mario 3D All-Stars, a compilation which included some of Mario’s best 3D outings. Add in a wonky camera that only gives the player a bare

From her tiktok that she made (which I think is also on her IG) she said she ran out of hair spray (a very sticky one from Got toB which is called “Glued Freezing Spray”, but hair spray nonetheless) so she decided to try the Gorilla Glue spray adhesive.

Yup. I’m all for them refining the physics of the Mako, but as you said, the Mako was never the problem with the Mako levels. Likewise, the elevator conversations were never the problem with the elevators: it was the load times. Unfortunately, in both cases, Bioware took the absolutely wrong lessons from it, and

The Mako was never the problem with the Mako. It was the boring-as-hell repetitive planets that all consisted of a dull square of randomly generated terrain and pre-fab structures, crashed space probes, and mining nodes.

The Eden Prime changes are so bizarre. The mood I always got on the planet is “it’s the end of the world nightmare oh god what is that thing in the sky.” The first time I played ME I genuinely thought the reaper was a giant hand reaching down due to the silhouetted lighting.

copyright registration is voluntary, and NOT necessary to protect your intellectual property. It helps, but is not a prerequisite. And the evidence clearly shows that his usage of the model came first. So if Activision looked at that, and hired the same model and the same makeup artist to achieve the exact same

Frankly astonished by some of the responses here dismissing this as stuff they “already knew” or that it’s unnecessary. How brainwashed are you that your first response to a report about CDPR treating their people like shit is “eh, I already knew that”? How can it be anything but good that these assholes are getting

The original statement isn’t the problem. People read the statement, then asked for clarification, she made it clear how she felt. At that point, her fans tried to help her understand, and she told them off. She made it clear what her stance is several times over.

I also think about RBG’s friendship with Scalia...which he just didn’t deserve.  That’s the problem with nice people, they’re nice to people who don’t deserve it, we all should be meaner and hold the baddies accountable.

It feels like sometimes folks from marginalized groups who attain a crazy amount of success - enough so that they’re essentially inoculated to hardships by money, power, fame, etc - and are able to take a far more forgiving stance on things, especially when it comes to friends. I’m thinking similarly of Ellen paling

I have an iPhone, and I begrudgingly love it despite it’s (absolutely INEXCUSABLE) lack of USB-C. That said, Apple needs to get on the bandwagon with common industry standard connections. The continued inclusion of lightning in lieu of such is just absurd at this point. The truth is, headphones are a nice but not

Joe had to stop being Joe to appreciate his life because he only wanted his life back so he could return to not living it. The transformative nature of him being put into a cat doesn’t remove his blackness because the center of the movie is still a black man’s voice and a black face onscreen almost 100% of the film.

Admittedly, I’m not black, but it felt more like Joe’s film than 22's to me, in the same way Toy Story felt more like Woody’s film than Buzz’s.

But Soul frames these moments as belonging to 22 in a way that detracts from the movie’s message because they imply that Joe himself was never properly comfortable in them prior to his adventure.

The game is dark and full of errors. All joking aside though, that’s a valid approach. Even though I’m having a great time playing it personally, I’ve recommended to a few people to wait and pick it up after a few months when the bugs get ironed out a bit. I don’t see a ton of bugs in my game, some of which sound

Trafficking of the true “stranger abducts (almost always white) kids to sell them into sex slavery” essentially NEVER happens, every single number about human trafficking that gets bandied about by the media and “nonprofits” is wildly over-inflated and based on garbage data, yet because there’s no political points to

if they didn’t want you to use all that runway, then they shouldn’t have paved it.

When desperate times call for desperate measures, look no further than the price gougers of StockX, a destination which, ethical concerns around scalping aside, does promise 100% authenticity from every product listed in the marketplace. So there’s that.

When desperate times call for desperate measures, look no further than the price gougers of StockX, a destination