Only Slightly Bent

Obama got criticism from both sides on this issue. The right said he wasn’t doing enough despite deporting more illegal immigrants than any prior administration and then got it from the left because he deported more illegal immigrants than any other administration.

I feel like the wife’s response is the only appropriate white-person reaction in this story. What the fuck, neighbors.

Just remember: they felt all the other awful shit he said about racial minorities, Muslims, women, and LGBT people was just a matter of “free speech”. Apparently this is the thing that was too “offensive” for them and where they felt the need to draw the line in the sand, where they felt the need to “infringe upon his

Great move. Southerners love Cousins!

I don’t even get why. It would be one thing if he was 60-ish, but he’s 80 years old... AND he isn’t up for re-election until 2024, when he’ll be 8-friggon-6.

I know it’s said almost every time, but it bares repeating. HR is not there to defend you, it’s there to defend the company. If you have grounds to do so like Susan did, catalog evidence and take it to a lawyer.

Not sure where you developed this opinion, but, I’ve worked in the Valley for a long time and it is totally unequipped to deal with any one who isn’t exactly like everyone else.

As a woman FORMERLY in STEM, before all the neckbeards screaming misandry! and fake! come rolling in, I’m going to come right right out and say that her account sounds eerily similar to my own forced exodus from a fortune 200, and to things I heard from close friends/co workers. We were all sexually or racially

I’m not sure why you blame Uber for that. They are simply a logistics company providing an intermediary platform to connect independent contractors with potential fares. /s

The HR rep asked Fowler if she and the other female engineers were friends, and asked for details on how they communicated.

Nice job not reading the article.

However you didn’t mind getting a 4 year free ride at UVA, founded by a slave owner.

I would much rather we save lives (avoiding funerals!) than worrying about having pretty ones. If you are more concerned about having an attractive corpse, that’s fine, but there’s no reason to give organ donations to people who aren’t willing to have the same generosity.

Um. Shouldn’t the ire be directed at Vogue and their photographer and art director who developed this concept rather than not Kylie.? Yes she could have said NOPE but the people at the magazine who thought this was a good idea should get the brunt of the ire.

Agreed until the goddamn end of time. She chose this.

A “family source” told Us Weekly that Melania Trump is “unhappy with how her life ended up” and “miserable.”

I don’t think you understand how nationalization works. You know there’s already dozens of nationalized airlines which compete in the free market against privately owned airlines, right? That nationalization of airlines doesn’t mean less airlines?

Do you... do you think you can just cheaply fly from any city to any other city whenever you’d like on a privately owned airline?

This is an OK idea, which will not happen for the same reason that single-payer health insurance, an even more obvious “no-brainer,” isn’t going to happen. So the Federal government is going to create a million new jobs in the infrastructure construction field, right? And what will that new competition do to all the

Why would I call someone racist for stating that most people who are on welfare can’t find work and lack education/training/experience to make employers seek to hire them?