Only Slightly Bent

That’s because MLK’s letter has often been abridged, which had the effect of turning it into a pure defense of non-violence. What the abridgement does is that if completely deletes the final part of the letter, which is a stern warning to White that non-violence is not an end into itself, it is but one step in the

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is

Please stop letting this man use you guys for photo ops. Please stop.

As I said in another post, I believe they own their own manufacturing facilities, so they have a limited capacity. And every time they need to crank out different hardware, they have to re-tool for it. They’re definitely not on the same level as Microsoft and Sony when it comes to cranking out product, because they’re

Another friendly reminder that political correctness is simply treating people with respect. So yea, he’ll probably be acquitted.

humanitarian aid to African countries was like the ONE thing W. got right.

Plus the inability to take the long view on international security - by fostering positive international relations first.

I think that our first and foremost reason for doing things should be that we care about other people, but it also irks my pragmatic side that Trump (& Republicans in general) see no benefit to themselves in helping other people. If we invest less in Africa, who is going to step in? China.

This. I can’t explain why the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief is a good thing if things like, oh, “improved life expectancy in developing countries”, “fewer orphans” and “fewer babies born with HIV” don’t sway you.

The Africa

I can’t read this shit anymore. It’s seriously giving me a panic attack and just makes me sick. I hope his time doing whatever treats him and his family and his friends as poorly as he is treating everyone else.

People keep asking me why these things bother me so much, and why we should keep doing things like send aid or provide healthcare, and it’s seriously like, “I literally cannot explain to you how not to be asshole. Because that’s what this is, your gross inability to care for other people.”

But those poor, helpless Israelis. THEY need all our aid $$s.

In several Key States the difference between Trump and Hillary was lower(in some cases far lower) than the number of people who voted Stein.

Focusing on gimmicky shit w/ the controllers - again.
Super Mario not being a launch title.
An apparent complete and utter lack of any worthwhile launch titles other than Zelda.

The little nugget that stuck out for me was the mention of the capture button being able to record video “in the future”. Launching a console in 2017 talking about having to patch in a feature that your competitors launched with in 2013 is... not super encouraging that Nintendo is doing well in trying to finally build

This looks really wrong. Like Sonic 06

Watching the Nintendo Switch presentation is like watching an ex girlfriend who has so much potential but is totally making the same fucking mistakes over and over and you just want to shake them and tell them to stop.

Now playing

As a once resident of Cobb County and current resident of neighboring Fulton County, I assure everyone that Cobb County Enforcement does not give a shit about who lives in your house or what you do there, as long as you aren’t causing a disturbance. The issue here is they pissed off a ranking member of their