Only Slightly Bent

No one in their right mind should find that sentence funny, especially since the Android market is healthy and selling apps just fine.

For someone dismissing contrary arguments, you sure don't seem to have much of one. It sounds and looks like the two stores are fairly different, at least as far as any stores selling the same types of products can be. Gap and H&M stores are set up similarly, but that doesn't mean one is copying the other. They're

The graphic doesn't make any sense. Has the guy ever picked up a 4.3" phone? Has Jesus? When you hold a 4.3" phone, nay almost any phone, your thumb hovers above the center of the screen, NOT the far left edge. So why does the green circle show differently? I have a GSII beside me right now, and I can tell you with my

Same here as well. I just picked up my GSII, the phone in the graphic mind you, and my thumb easily plops itself outside of the green circle. And I don't have particularly large hands either.

You still in middle school? Gay is not a negative descriptor.

u mad bro?

It's just a very specific question that only pertains to one person. They obviously need a power generator, and are hoping it comes in some sort of delicious two-pack like meat.

The G2X screen does it on each side. It actually feels really lovely. Rather than you finger starting or ending on the sharp or angled edge of the device it just sort of flows on and off.


...which is why there is two paragraphs in my previous comment and not one. The GM comparison doesn't really work because you're ignoring that Microsoft is quite normally behind on trends, and succeeds despite that. It's current situation might be different, but taking a more historical view...this isn't new. I'd be

I don't get it. Do you want pilots blinded by lasers and risking their lives and the lives of their passengers? This sort of thing seems exactly like what our tax dollars should be doing: protecting large numbers of people from stupid people who aren't thinking about anything but their own selfish and sadistic

I'm not sure your analogy here is very good. GM has around 20% of the US market, and is the second largest automaker worldwide at around 11%, neither of those numbers really constitute a "lion's share." Secondly, how do you figure Microsoft isn't innovating to an equal or greater extent than Google and Apple? Windows

You're arbitrarily deciding what web speed people need without a firm basis for it. What if I operate a business out of my home where I need to video conference with associates oversees? Or what if I have to pipe huge files of any sort to others across the country, or globe? What you see as reasonable and necessary

Oh hmm. You're right. I didn't realize that the ultimate purchase by Microsoft put eBay in the black on that one. That is fairly lucky though, considering how much the acquisition was bungled and unused. And I would argue that the shift to "buy it now" is because of pushes like hers, not that it's necessarily more

Should the government not have the right to disallow a restaurant to poison it's food? Or to lie about what is in that food? We have limited regulation because it makes our collective lives better, at the small expense of businesses having a bit less free reign on how they operate. This is how a civilized society

During the time Whitman was their, eBay grew to be a more successful company. I wouldn't go and pin it on her, seeing as how what she angled for were things like: buying Skype (later sold at a huge loss), pushing eBay away from its core auction business into a more mainstream shopping outlet (auction business has

Anybody with the Planetarium Projector care to comment on how shitty/not shitty its projections are? I'd love to have a decent star field thrown on my ceiling at night.

Agreed. I think one of the logical fallacies being thrown around here is that leaflets are all that different from military action, as far as a response by the DPRK is concerned. If the leaflets are effective, then the government will respond with some kind of drastic dangerous move in an attempt to re-solidify its

I believe South Korea already does this, but I also think that ultimately it just won't work. If I found a leaflet (that I may or may not be able to read), I don't think I'd necessarily believe what it had to say. A piece of paper can't show all that much, and so for those who do find them I would think it would be