Only Slightly Bent

But he isn't. It's been rumored/reported that 50% of iPhone owners have never synched their devices with iTunes, and I would be surprised if there wasn't a similar phenomenon with iPads. Even if that number is over reported, we're talking a device meant to be synced that people are already getting by without syncing.

Have you seen the ultraportable market lately? For the average consumers needs, you really don't have to make any sacrifices anymore. So no, they're not going anywhere, as evidenced by Apple slow encroachment on their traditional laptops with the Air line. You get smaller, lighter devices that do everything a normal

See I really like Tyson, so I'm more likely to watch this because of him. To each his own.

What the OP referred to doesn't sound very directed. The Wardenclyffe tower propagated electrify outwards in all directions didn't it? Nowhere did they refer to directed energy in their comment, so I'm not sure why you put it in all caps. I'm sure you could have a directed field like you've brought up for some kind of

I can't imagine it's even remotely power efficient to transmit large amounts of electricity through the air, and I would think it would get exponentially more expensive the farther you tried to send it. As for using a large EM to deactivate'd be killing every non-heavily-shielded piece of electronics

They're not funny either...which REALLY puts them in bad taste.

It's a platform with a lot of potential, and Microsoft has a lot of patience. So it isn't inconceivable that given enough time they could start to make a dent in the market. Overthrowing Android? Probably never going to happen, but I'd be surprised if they don't start gaining some ground with Mango.

Thank you for taking the time to say that. It needed to be said and had you not done it so perfectly, I would have crapped out something much worse attempting to attest to the same ideas.

I get what you're saying, but all these Vista analogies don't really work for me. Vista was a problem because Microsoft's hardware partners were lazy and didn't listen, not because of poor coding on Microsoft's part. Vista only sucked as an upgrade because Nvidia and others sucked at doing their jobs. The new features


Your intentions don't change whether or not your statement is degrading to women. And what you perceive to be true based on your daily interactions isn't necessarily that. The suspicion I've heard for why Google+ is still largely male, is that because the invites began inside Google, it started with a male-dominated

"one of the cheapest 27 2560x1440 displays."

There's a profound difference between what's "common knowledge" and a stereotype. And you just seem to be repeating stereotypes that are at their core, completely untrue. Dating sites are not 95% guys, and when there is a discrepancy it's much more likely due to a lack of respect shown towards female members...which

It's almost inconceivable at this point that they won't be sporting a ULV i7 option, so really those hopes are aligned pretty well with reality. And personally I wouldn't consider it a netbook, because to me, the important factor in something being a netbook is that it is just enough to use the internet and not much

So here's a thought, let's keep the comments from devolving into a sexist mess. Just throwing it out there.

Girls aren't too technologically friendly? Well that's not sexist at all...

The sharing thing seems pretty high to me to, but a lot of the +1'ing can be explained by the fact that you don't need a Google+ account to +1 something - you just need a regular old Google account. If you're signed in on Google, for instance, you can +1 any of your search results.

It's because Android's rate of growth is increasing extremely rapidly. Back in May they were only 400,000 daily activations. So if roll that backwards, 8 months ago there were 0 Android devices being sold, which is obviously untrue.

Obama isn't circumcised? Ready the articles of impeachment America!