Only Slightly Bent

Sales tax isn't the be-all-end-all for Amazon. Yeah they'd rather it not be there, but they're based in Seattle with 10%+ sales tax, and sell all of their goods with sales tax. A hint they won't be leaving? They just built a new building.

That's exactly my attitude towards this. Meh. Amazon chooses to base itself in a state with a 10%+ sales tax, and it's doing fine. I don't understand all the complaining in this thread - Amazon is a retailer, why shouldn't they be required to charge sales tax like everyone else? If you hate the sales tax, then hate

I don't think everyone is carrying around 4K Red Ones. I'm sure we'll get there, but this is probably easier in the mean time.

This comment is far more accurate and informative than the article. Hell it's barely even "controversial" in a true sense, considering most of the opposition is people unfamiliar with how it actually works.

That's good since you soon may not be able to fly out of there.

It seems like your logic responding to to docb's logic is more flawed than previous logics's.

*complains about methodology because he personally has slightly faster internet in a different city, because obviously his single data point is better than whatever the FCC (THE FCC) can come up with*

It's for sure not a hardware issue, since the interfaces are the same, which gives me hope for some legacy support if some software/firmware does need to be changed.

It's not really like DVD/Bluray - the hardware interface between SD, SDHC, and SDXC is all the same, whereas a different laser is needed between DVD and Bluray. So at most the difference is firmware related on the card reader end, and possibly much less.

We change what we all are constantly. Are you really trying to say that it's an affront to God when you change your body? Better stay away from vaccines, cochlear implants, tonsillectomies, cancer treatments, and a list of operations so long it would dwarf this thread.

The hardware interface between SDHC and SDXC is the same, and it might not require different firmware...I say that with a fat * I don't really know * attached. From wikipedia:

I'll be honest, that sounds like a skinned version of Android or iOS. There are definitely ways to do it differently (I can't think of what it's called, but that rotary/circle monotone OS that was newsworthy awhile back), but what you suggested is not it. What do you imagine the iOS homescreen to be besides a list of

They could look exactly the same, and still...who is making this mistake? People know the iPhone, and will ask for an iPhone. Or when they see this will notice SAMSUNG, and go looking for what they want.


Ignoring the completely rational basis of this process....ZOMG!!! Microsoft has a gigantic database stash of child porn!!

I think what you're saying is that the size doubles from controller that preceded it, which would make the giant controller orders of magnitude bigger than this. I read 30x bigger to mean a 30:1 ratio, where 30 controllers lined up end to end would equal the width of this large one. 12ft = 144 inches / 30 = 4.8

I should have placed a * on the thankfully I wrote earlier. Gingerbread IS a step up from Froyo (it's prettier, and some of it's hardware accelerated, if not much else), but far shy of Honeycomb in the case of a tablet like this as you rightfully point out. If it wasn't for the pen, I have no idea why anyone would buy

@BoscoH: You should step outside and vent for a minute. It was a joke about a TAPE MEASURE.

I don't understand why the hate for the stylus. Yes, when it's your ONLY form of interaction that sucks, but why on earth is it bad when it's one among many? I completely agree with you. Personally I don't think I'll just into the tablet game until I can get one able to replace a textbook, pen-input

Well that's okay, since this isn't a capacitive stylus. It's akin to the wacom-style digitizers in the Tablet PC's of yore.