Only Slightly Bent

This may not be your particular situation, but going to college in the middle of the midwest I think there is value in exposing ourselves to those different than us, even if it's in as backwards a way was Twitter.

@Agrippa: I tried writing something insightful here, but it didn't work out. I'll just stick're second peeve is a big peeve of mine and I appreciate feeling this sort of solidarity.

@ddhboy: I was going to comment on T-Mobile's presence on this list being pure bunk, but you nailed it on everything.

@vinod1978: I gotta say, I feel similarly. This reminds me of News Corp buying Myspace at the peak of its popularity, and watching it slowly implode. I have plenty of friends who play Farmville, and I know a few who are now trying to quit.

6 feet and under 175lbs? If only that was the only requirement! My insides nearly come out whenever this aircraft comes up I want that job so bad.

Never trust a van without windows foolish creature.

@iScuba: It's unlikely the Evo was actually running 2.2, because 2.2 hasn't been released for the Evo yet.

@rentahero1: I think the ridiculousness of the whole case is going to be very dependent on what exactly the EU determines to go after Apple for (if anything). If they choose to go the route of why Google Voice, Flash, or that political comic were denied approval, then I could see something positive come of this for

@clearzero: Playing Halo on a PS3 is not like not being able to side-load apps onto your iPhone, or having to go through a convoluted approval process. There's an argument here to be made against antitrust action, but comparing it to consoles isn't it. It's like asking why I can't read Harry Potter in scroll-form

@Rustabout: I completely agree. Our dependence on oil is the root of the issue here, but far too few in power are willing to speak to that. We wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for our continued need for oil, which has to come from more and more dangerous locations. I didn't mean to detract from that fact. It

@Rustabout: But that's just it, you're granting the situation a pass in part because it's so difficult to do this drilling. That's not how it works. Just because something is impressive does not mean the consequences are any more acceptable. If you want to say that it's a testament to engineering ingenuity that's

@Rustabout: But that's just the thing, they DID anticipate BOP's not working at that depth. They aren't as reliable as the industry claims (see the article I linked to earlier).

@sweetelectro: So of all the tens of thousands of Android apps you're willing to issue a blanket statement saying none scream quality?

@GitEmDoneSteveDave: It was not a "perfect storm" of events. The capabilities and reliability of shear rams were in question long before this failure. Beyond all of the other failures and corners cut, the shear rams used on rigs like the Deepwater Horizon just can't cut through as much as 10% of the pipe even when

@barrywoods: Or an option to view lists of apps based on positive reviews (and/or lack of negative qualifiers like you suggest) rather than their number of downloads. Crowd source it I say!

@OCEntertainment: Featured Apps could really stand to be expanded. It's all of a few dozen apps that dominate the list, and there isn't any way to browse any subgenres of apps. It definitely could fill this void, but as it stands I don't find it all that helpful

@WestwoodDenizen @metronome49: I tried a flash game on my N1 once, and I don't plan on doing it again. But streaming live video online is killer.

@MazdaMania: I loved my G1 as much as [some people], but I wouldn't look back if that's what you traded up for

@dcdttu: Then "Flying Toast" on the Android market FTW for you