
Okay so Mon-El redeemed himself at the end there. But I still don't want him back. He can have an episode or two to tie up his storyline, become Valor, go back to the 31st with the Legion. But that's it. It's a great end to his storyline, but it's an end. Kara loved him and lost him, star crossed all that shit. Leave

Given the show I'm watching? No, I guess I'm not surprised. The Flash has never done right by its female characters before, why start now?
I swear, if not for the Supergirl crossovers I wouldn't even bother with this show anymore.

I'm just hoping that Kara gets to be one of them. Romance is the CW DC tv shows' weakness.

I agree with everything but putting Winn/Vasquez together. What this show does not need is more romance. I know it's the CW, but God please let it stop. Next season they should get rid of Karamel, and get rid of the Winn/Lyra relationship. Alex and Maggie can fill the romance quota if need be; they're relationship is

I don't think so. We already have enough people with powers on the show, we just don't need Mon-El: he's just a less powerful version of Kara. His whole 'becoming a hero' thing was done much better in season one with Kara, and his redemption arc from coming from a horrible society was also done much better with

Damn, am I ever glad that this wasn't the last episode.

I picked up on it when she begged Fitz to make Aida stop. Real Jemma would never show weakness to Aida like that.

Chris Wood is good, I liked mon-el at first but his leading romantic man stint damaged him.
They have too many powered people on the show, now Guardian is involved as an uber vigilante. They need to get rid of Mon-El (not just because I don't like him but because he can't be used effectively. And also because I don't

True. Female LIs are so often sidelined in these shows (Black Canary anyone?). It's almost nice to see a reversal of that, or it would be if I didn't hate Mon-El.

Kind of annoyed at how they spent a whole season hyping how amazing and evil KF would be if she ever emerged fully, then immediately made her a henchperson to Savitar. She's nothing more than a lackey now.

The hilarious thing is that it was a lot less believable when Barry revealed himself. I just can't imagine him fighting with any degree of competence.

I meant in a more general sense, not just Supergirl specifically, but agreed.
They tried with Maggie, but that went to hell for obvious reasons. They ignored M'gann, and Vasquez is nowhere to be found.
Can't say anything about the fandom not liking James, given how unlikable they've made him. Although people who think

It's like Bag of Holding. A Cleavage of Holding.

All the time is a bit much. They're getting better with him, but he's just not very well liked and overdoing it with him will have the same effect as Mon-El did.

I feel like next season they're finally spray paint him gold, like in the comics. He'll be more of a daytime hero. And shiny.

As much as I love the idea of Lena hiding an entire armory in her amazing cleavage, she picked it up after Mon-El knocked it away from the goon. You could see her casually walking past them when they were scuffling.

Yeah, all those many superhero movies and TV shows are so straight white male heavy. Now when other demographics are finally getting in on the action it's 'too much' and 'oversaturated'? They ate the entire pie and now they're complaining about too much pie when we're only sitting down to the table.

Season two started off strong, fell apart in the middle, then pulled itself together for the ending. It's a shame that middle stretch hurt the ratings so badly, but I hope it can come back from that.
But this episode was stellar. Everything from Cat, to Lillian, to Lena casually being badass and snarky, to Kara and

I still think it could work. They have a plan to take down Savitar, now it's just a matter of stalling.

The flash comics are ridiculous, he can apparently do everything imaginable with speed.
It would change the future though. Having her be off world during the time she's supposed to die. It's honestly a better plan than anything they've come up with so far.