
But people treating it like it IS a crazy impossibility is my problem. If they give other valid reasons, fine, but just saying 'too much gay, not realistic' is what bothers me.
And the CW isn't known for its racial diversity either. I don't know what Maggie's story is; her character is supposedly latina and her

Doesn't matter. The problem I have is the argument (one that's used every time people ship a f/f couple when one already exists) that more than one gay character is some kind of crazy impossibility. The idea that more than one would 'undermine the specialness' of the original. I never said I expected it to happen,

Didn't they say he worked with the DEO, not that he was trained by them?
And Kara's powers are hella inconsistent. One minute she's tanking a missile, the next a punch knocks her on her ass. That's the problem with superhero shows.

They don't know what to do with James, no. But Mon-El was a detriment to the show in a more severe way than James ever was. He needs to stay gone.

Oh I'm not saying I think they're gonna get together, I just don't like that particular argument as to why.
If only tho.

I know, but no one says that when both primary female characters are straight. It just rubbed me the wrong way.

They never said he trained with MM. Superman gets stronger, yes, but there's a huge difference between teenage girl and grown woman. At the very least the strength difference wasn't big enough to have him win. I'm not saying they handled it well, they laid it on too thick, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.

It really goes to show that the strength of this show is in its platonic and familial relationships, not the romantic ones (except Sanvers, they've managed to rise above the usual CW crap). We need more focus on them next season.

I agree that Kara and Lena will never happen, but your comment is straying into 'there can only be one gay couple on a show at any given time or else it's too mcuh' territory. There are always like fifty straight couples on every show. We don't need them to be special, just equal.

For the Drama™.

They were about to blown up hospitals and schools. They didn't have much of a choice.

Or maybe she's not looking at his face.

Not always. They've gone back and forth in the comics.
Besides, Kara is a teenager in the comics. Here she's a grown adult with actual combat training.

She. It's probably Reign.

The sounds were awesome. And all the water flying everywhere made it seem so epic.

I'm voting for Reign. She's a Supergirl villain and we need more of those. She's also a lady and I like those. I hope she's buff as hell.

I think part of the anger is that female LIs never get that focus. But when it's a dude? He gets the entire season.

That would have killed everyone in that room, right?

Didn't James throw lead dust into some dudes faces a while back? Why didn't they turn to dust? Why didn't Mon-El when he got shot? The makes no sense. But Mon-Els gone so I'm happy.

Yup. He's gonna be stuck there for 1000 years and his future self will pop back to visit and say goodbye to Kara. Team up with the Legion. End of his story.