
In the comics, maybe, but he wouldn't be able to do it on the show in a million years. And God, don't even bring up time travel. For a show that relies so heavily on it, they are really bad at it.

It's very unbalanced because of Kara/Mon-El. If the didn't waste so much time on him, they could have used that time to develop other characters, which would leave plenty of time for Kara's own personal growth, which we've seen very little of compared to S1. The season has been horrifically unbalanced.

There's nothing wrong with having a secondary character get their own episode, otherwise no one gets development. But they've been trying to give everyone their own episode, sometimes several episodes in certain cases and given how may characters they're trying to balance, it's taking too much time away from Kara.

And that's the problem. They make a big deal about her being her own hero, then pull this crap. Like making her a reporter when she could have been anything else.
Buffy was very ensemble-like, but it still put Buffy first, she was the main character. Supergirl doesn't even seem like the main character on her own show.

You know, watching The Flash (and Arrow back in the day) really shows how resilient Kara is. She's lost more than Barry and Oliver combined and still manages to be positive and upbeat.

Not across space. Supergirl has a spaceship, problem solved.

Season one had her trying to step out of her cousins shadow. People kept comparing the two, but she wanted to stand on her own. That was a big part of the first season, and then season two came along and they give her the same job as him.

But it's not an ensemble show. It's called Supergirl, she's the main character and season one was all about her developing into a hero. That was the main plot throughout the season. This isn't Agents of SHIELD, it's Supergirl, and she should be getting priority but she's not.

Does anyone else feel like the show is just writing characters however they need to depending on the current episode, irregardless of previously established characterization?
Last week Kara was an angry brute out of nowhere, all to develop Maggie. This week the entire team at the DEO, including actual dad J'onn, think

Ok, so I liked the episode, generally. Loved Lena/Rhea, loved the antagonism between Rhea/Kara (when she was in the episode at all oh my god it's called SUPERGIRL FOR A REASON SHOW). Ahem. I really liked Marcus and his mom, they were great. James is better than he was but still not good. They're really making him seem

I would have loved if they made Kara a social worker, specifically for kids, then later specifically for alien kids. She lost her family at a young age and got placed with a foster family that loved her. It would have been her way of giving back and helping other kids in her (sort of) situation. At the very least, it

How could she possibly recognize him? The last time she met him, he was wearing glasses. He's like a completely different person with those on.

I love Barry, but his powers are written so inconsistently that he looks weak at best, and a damn moron at worst. Last episode when he just stood there and let Top whammy him? Smh.

I know, but they're trying to build her up as this incredibly dangerous villain. To have her so easily taken out, to the point where Cisco is holding back, just undermines any threat she poses.

Also, just watch the show completely ignore how Iris feels about the love of her life being the one to kill her. What does her opinion matter, am I right?

Nah, female characters are treated way, way worse. Mon-El has been getting a crap load of screentime, development, story, etc. Female love interests just get to be 'supportive'. No hero arc for them.

God I miss Astra. Some great angst potential right there.

He also murdered a crap ton of cops in a coffee shop. Naming a drink after him seems very crass.

To be fair, it's really only been the latter half. Season two has it's upsides (Lena, Maggie, Lillian, Rhea, M'gann, Superman), but it's been very disjointed with too many filler episodes and a severely mismanaged cast. 2A was stellar, 2B not so much.

I swear to God, the very first scene of season four had better show us IMMEDIATELY who the Thinker is. I want a face, a name, a backstory, a social security number, and a verified birth certificate. Enough with all the 'who is the villain???!' mysteries.