
Idk, I think the second season of Supergirl is a big contender. and this is coming from a fan.

Did anyone else find that Cisco's whole 'I can take KF down at any point but I'm afraid of killing her accidentally' kind of detracted from KFs menace? She's supposed to be a badass, but Cisco apparently could beat her whenever.

I disliked the writers putting Kara and Maggie at odds and making it seem like it was romantic relationship vs familial relationship. I also disliked them making Kara a meathead with no sense. If it was pure emotion because it was Alex that had been kidnapped, I could have handled it, but it didn't come off that way.

And J'onn. Another criminally underused character.

You're the one who needs to reread the thread. I explained my argument in my very first comment. It holds up. Yours is based on your personal 'real life' experiences that don't sound particularly real. Getting into a relationship doesn't mean you ditch your very close family members. Not if you're as close as Kara and

I'm not wrong. You're obviously a troll and I shouldn't have fed you. Goodbye.

I'm not wrong. You're obviously a troll and I shouldn't have fed you. Goodbye.

Stop embarrassing yourself. Please. For your own sake if not mine.

Oh my God.

I still can't put Lena and Mon-El on the same level, they're just not, in my eyes. And, Mon-El himself, I can't see myself getting past that final scene on Daxam any time soon.
But to each their own, I guess.

I won't argue with you there. I think the reason that Mon-Els inaction feels worse to me is because we saw it. We saw him in bed in his palace before that truly character assassinating scene of him leaving everyone behind happened. Also because slavery is a much more real world horror when compared to various acts of

We really don't know enough about anyone because this show is terrible right now, but they still don't quite match up. Lena was rebranding L Corp before she met Kara. She was still shady af (alien detection device), but she was making strides. And they would have had to be pretty big since her brother tried to kill

How Lena? Wasn't she planning to take down her mother all along? It's why she switched out the isotope.

Give Iris to Kara, she'll use her connections to get her off world. I'd like to see Savitar run through space. Problem solved.

The again, KF loves being KF so she really should be thanking Barry for that. Caitlin is the one who would secretly want to deck him.

If only they'd had her be a cop from the get go. See her go from rookie to whatever comes after rookie. She'd have an actual reason to be involved, story milestones, character development. It would've been great.

But it was to 'protect her'. Even though telling her, and Iris for that matter, would have made them safer almost immediately.

I would have loved for her to meet Kara in the crossover. Everything would be so shiny and nice.

Could Barry have stood there any longer when the Top was about to whammy him? He heard her make her pre-fight quip, saw her lean forward and stare intensely at him. What did he think she was gonna do? Please God remember that Barry has super speed, someone. It's literally his whole thing.

Oh my God. If someone is trying to murder/forcibly marry your sister, you pay attention to that, which she would have done in season one, Maggie or no Maggie. I'm sorry you're seemingly surrounded by people who abandon each other at the drop of a hat, but most people aren't like that.
I'm also not wrong, and the