
True, but Kara's been pretty staunch in her defence of Lena; that should keep her on the side of good if nothing else.

I don't actually watch LoT, but isn't Mick an a**hole who burned his family alive?
But at least Kara always has her back.

Are we still talking about this?

Just seems a different kind of evil to me. And to be honest, he put himself in front of Kara, not the slaves. It was still a heroic moment for him, but not for the sake of the slaves.
I don't know. He could have been a great character if they made him Kara's bro, and having the two of them getting into all kinds of

I get what you mean. The whole Jeremiah thing made no sense really, like a goodly portion of 2B.
But still, slavery is in a league of it's own. It's kinda like how I could never get behind Regina's character in OUAT because of the rape of the Huntsman, no matter how much I liked Lana Parilla and her magnificent bastard

Yes, Will sucked. But it was def set up, Trish found those files during the last ep.

I know, but slavery isn't like most other crimes. I could handle a lot of things, but slavery (and though it doesn't apply to him, rape) is just something I can't get past. Being the Prince and benefiting from it while being a party boy is just too much. Maybe it's because when they revealed it, I was deep into a book

True. Barry seems like an idiot most of the time on The Flash because of his super speed powers that he never uses right.

The difference is that Will's organization is gonna be a factor in season two, so that whole thing was set up. James isn't setting up anything as Guardian.

They even had her catch a bullet in slow mo in recent episode then completely forgot about it. They probably don't want to overshadow the Flash with her having superspeed too or something.

They did do animal testing, Lena mentioned the 'rat never being the same' and that they could make it do whatever they wanted. So he knew what was probably gonna happen, he just did it anyway. Bad, bad science man indeed.

I think he's just become the lightning rod for all of season two's many, many problems. I mean I hate him too, but not to the extent of some people. Also the slave owning thing is a squicky and unnecessary addition to his character; why they added that in I'll never know.

Ah, the giant Mayor Snake. Good times.

From Lena's point of view, it would be hella uncool. But from our point of view, we know that Kara was worried about Lena and wanted to protect her above all else, so it's not too bad.

It took her so long; I was shouting encouragement at my computer screen.

I have really begun to hate Mon-El, but I liked him in this episode which just goes to show you that his main problem is too much focus.

They had a 'manection'.

What more does she have to do to prove herself to people? I mean she just killed the man she loves to save Supergirls life. Fairly certain she's not gonna turn on her now.

Nah, Kara being raised on Krypton and being more alien then her cousin is a huge part of her character and they're ignoring it. I'd rather a Supergirl show than a gender-bent Superman.

The female/female relationships on the show are the best part, but the writers seem to have forgotten about them compared to last season, especially Kara/Alex. It's a shame.
Jack was actually very likable; his death was sadder than I thought it'd be, given his short presence. Rahul really did a stellar job.
Not much to