
Mr Mxyzptlk, enough said. She didn't care that Kara had an all powerful stalker after her. Not normal.

Not when her sister is being hunted by intergalactic assassins. Let it go, dude.

Yes, people are like water. Everyone everywhere is the same and have the exact same reactions to everything regardless of the situation.
Lol. Ok buddy, you do you.

You've said 'it's just human nature' three times, you can stop now.
And when Kara had alien assassins trying to kill her, Alex bailed to go to dinner. Season one Alex would never do that. Literally nothing you say is going to convince me that that's normal, no matter how many 'real life examples' you trot out. You can

Sorry, but that doesn't fit with these characters, especially not in the situations they face.

Not to mention toasting to his death after. That was harsh.

I was holding out hope for Mace until I heard that steady beep. That was horrible. Very well done, but horrible.

For some people, yes, but for people as close as Kara and Alex it's not the same. They wouldn't just drop each other like that. Not those two.

Being in a relationship does not mean ignoring your sibling. Even if they're spending more time than usual with their boyfriend/girlfriend, that does not explain their almost complete lack of interaction. Unless you think they're spending 100% of their time with Maggie/Mon-El.

I don't think so; she was going through some pretty serious withdrawal when she went back to him. Enough time has passed now that she would be more resistant. But we'll never know for sure since he's dead and all.

The difference in quality is just so glaring, and this is coming from a huge Supergirl fan. If Supergirl had the quality of AoS I would drop dead from joy.

Supergirl is my favorite superhero show of all time (or rather I love the show that it COULD be), but in terms of quality, acting, plot, everything, AoS leagues ahead. It's just so good.

All the May and Daisy angst. They've always had such a great relationship.

Yeah but she only went back to him because she was addicted to him. Ward hurt her but Hive controlled her; she'd be much more freaked out by the guy who took her free will.

This was so good, I am so hyped right now.

True, things rarely are black and white, but I can only go by actual canon facts until we know more, and the facts speak for themselves. Obviously not all Daxamites would be pro slavery, but Kara's anti Daxamite sentiments tend to flare up when Mon-El is being an a**hole, like when he was beating up that guy for

Says the person who thinks Kara is a b*tch for not being okay with slavery and wanting basic respect from her boyfriend.
I'm done with you.

He is dirt. Sorry.

The problem isn't just that they broke them up; I was fine with that as we're a lot of other people because, as you said, it wasn't working. The problem was how they did it, and then their decision to immediately bring in Mon-El. It was terribly handled all around. The criticism is valid.

It's almost easy to ignore because Chyler and Floriana do such a great job, but you've hit the nail on the head. For all the big moments Sanvers have gotten, they haven't really had much scenes together to develop. C and F fill in the blanks with their amazing acting, but they need to integrate them more into the main