

I personally never liked James and I still don't, but I think the main reason there's so many complaints about the whole thing is that they broke up James/Kara in an extremely abrupt manner, citing Kara's need to find herself and focus on her reporting, only to then turn right around and shove her and Mon-El together

I'm still not sure either way, but I have never seen a relationship so abruptly dropped on a show in my entire life and the fact that it happened to one of the rare black male/white female interracial relationships does seem kinda hinky. Especially since the writers had her give that whole speech about finding herself

What incident? He decided to leave Metropolis to make a name for himself elsewhere and Clark asked him to check in on his cousin?

"in a comic book show, you are going to use comic book characters". That in no way means that they had to use this one.

Supergirl and Mon-El are not some kind of epic love story in the comics. If she has one at all, it's Braniac 5. Hell, Jimmy Olsen is more of a canon love interest than Mon-El and we all know how that turned out.
And if a superhero has to show up and take up screen time, why not a female one? Whether you want to admit

In the event of a hostile invasion, yes. Doesn't change the fact that Daxam had institutional slavery that was a well known and accepted thing for them.

The comics are all over the place with Krypton over the years tbh. Same with Daxam, so I'm going with the show.

A handful of Kryptonian criminals were. Daxam had slavery as a planet wide institution. There is no comparison to be made here.

Sullied which character? Both probably.

It still doesn't make much sense. Kara is Supergirl, she can handle herself against the much weaker Mon-El. Winn on the other hand, is not a fighter. They knew nothing about the alien other than the fact that he was controlling Mon-El,which makes him pretty powerful already. He could have had super strength, speed,

Or melt her face for one.

Why did James go after Mon-El and leave Winn of all people to apprehend the potentially deadly telepathic alien with a stapler? Did he really think Kara needed his help with Mon-El or what? What was his plan?

As someone who generally loathes Mon-El, even I can admit that he's at his best when he's being funny and supportive. It's just a shame the writers keep giving us a**hole Mon-El instead.

Also get the characters back on the same page. The Flash has it's many flaws, but when shit goes down all the characters are working on it. Supergirl has isolated everyone and it's so disjointed.

True. At the start of the season I actually liked that Kara was prejudiced against Daxamites. That's a concrete and understandable flaw that she could work to overcome and fleshes out her character. Then they revealed that the Daxamites were slave owners and terrible people and suddenly her prejudice seems very

I also loved how the 'Previously on…' segment is usually a highly condensed version of events, but that's literally how fast Kara and Mon-El got back together.

I'd say Alex comes first, then food, then everything else.

Another bonus of James (season one James, season two James is annoying) was that he was a civilian with no powers. Kara was the powerful one in the relationship, and while he never needed to be rescued as often as Iris or early Laurel (sexism, yay!), he did need rescuing sometimes. Having the lady in the relationship

The Maggie/Alex stuff made little sense overall, but Chyler and Floriana are so good together Ican forgive the clunkiness. I will say that I want Alex more involved in the A plot going forward. Sanvers is great and everything, but Kara/Alex are supposed to be the heart of the show and they were in season one. I miss