
I'm waiting for the trade yo come out before I start Supergirl Rebirth, but this is making me even more hyped. I love Supergirl/Batgirl.

Also I have to say that Barry has been so hard to root for this season, but this episode has done wonders for my opinion of him. It really reminded me why I liked the guy so much. Kara really improves his character.

This episode was hilarious. I heard about the shipper-focus and was wary, but Kara and Barry being dorks together is always enough to put a smile on my face.
I really want Alex to be involved in these crossovers at some point, but the writers seem to have lost interest in the Danvers sisters, which is the biggest

Had a good relationship with Lex, past tense. He's tried to kill her since.
And speaking of double standards, Lena is still seen as a potential villain by everyone but Kara, including the show itself, while Mon-El is getting pats on the back from anyone and everyone.
What we need is an entire episode of nothing but

I'm not saying Lena is coming out of this smelling of roses either, but she was just a member of the family, and not a very highly thought of one after her father died. And she did attempt to right the wrongs of her family, that's what L-Corp is all about now. She was on that path well before she met Kara. Mon-El was

And Kara had one to terms with her parents faults; she doesn't see them as heroes anymore, it was a big thing for her.
I don't know about the Queen doing everything for Mon-El, it's too soon to call her character right now.
Kara knew nothing of her parents transgressions, mon-el knew about his and was an active

Haha, fuck you.


Has that been confirmed?

Kara isn't dating Lena. Simple as that.

I loved Barry just standing there when Wally was getting pulled into the speedforce. The guy has super speed and yet, nothing.

Doesn't everyone on Tumblr hate Mon-El with the burning passion of a thousand exploding Kryptons?

I feel like I'm waiting for the season to end too and that is so sad; I used to look forward to each episode last year.

Also people criticising Kara for being disgusted that Mon-El is the Prince baffle me. He grew up as the Prince of a slaver planet, his family owned slaves, HE owned slaves. And considering the kind of person we saw he was, I doubt he cared much.

Kara knew about the prince when she was a kid, she knew what kind of person he was. Lena was never a bad person that Kara knew about, Mon-El was. He also confirmed as much whenj he told her how he escaped.

Krypton's destruction has never made any sense form the beginning of Superman's creation. They are a space-faring race, the second they found out they might blow up, they should all have gotten on a spaceship and evacuated the planet, just in case they couldn't save it. It makes no sense.

Didn't Kara day in season one that she didn't understand why her mother didn't crawl into that pod with her? Implying that it could have taken two?

Not to mention that Kara knew about the prince of Daxam from her childhood. She wasn't just hating on him for nebulous reasons; she knew the kind of person he was.

I'm not fond of that aspect of Kara's character either, but the Daxamites aren't some poor misunderstood race. They're a race of slavers. I'd look down on a white person from colonial America for the same reason.

Melissa doesn't seem all that gung-ho about Karamel though. Look at how excited she was for the feminist message season one sent; that's what's important to her, not Mon-El.