
What the hell has happened to the Danvers sisters? They used to be the heart of the show, and now they only interact when Alex has to prop up Mon-El, or get angry with Kara for siding with Mon-El, or telling her she has feelings for Mon-El. Are we sensing a pattern right now? Did this episode even pass the Bechdel

Jesse is supposed to be a genius prodigy; she was already way smarter than him.

When did Kara fuck up? I'm not saying she didn't, this is the CW after all, but I can't recall a time when she fucked up on a Barry-level.

Any deficiencies Mack may have is made up for by the shotgun-axe. James does not have a shotgun-axe.

As with everything, if it's done right, it can. But ymmv.

They're so bad at it but they're also obsessed with it. Stick to your strengths, guys.

Ya know the most recent episode of Supergirl showed me how impactful the whole 'hero can't do something, someone important believes in them, hero pulls it off' thing can be. That scene in 2x15 was intense and it's such a shame that this show overuses it to the point of ridicule because that trope can really pack an

God no, I love freak of the week episodes but Supergirl hasn't been very good this season with no clear season arc. It's been jumping all over the place and the only consistency is that Mon-El is everywhere all the time.

Ok so we can all admit that Barry was the worst in this episode, BUT, the Supergirl crossover is happening soon and Kara brings out Barry's good qualities like no one else. We'll get to see them being dorky bffs together. While singing.

No, that would make too much sense. We don't do that here.

Nah, he's still Mon-El, Prince of Daxam. Just because his planet was destroyed and he decided to turn over a new (tiny) leaf, doesn't mean he's a different person.
They should have had a few more attempts, or at least shown us that he wanted to/was going to. Doing it this way doesn't reflect well on him.

Didn't Snapper say that she used CatCo resources to do it? I'm assuming she mentioned that she was a CatCo reporter to give it some weight.

Relatively minor? Lying about who you actually are seems kinda major to me. Especially since he got in a relationship with her and had seemingly no intention of telling her.

I think the best part is that what she did, while 100% a firerable offence, was also the only option left to her. It was the only way to help protect those aliens. Granted, I would have liked it more if she didn't publish it immediately before stopping Cadmus, which sort of diluted the necessity of it all, but

Lyra actually really endeared herself to me. I was kinda on the fence about the whole thing because the last thing this show needs is more relationship drama, but she's awesome and can totally stay. Now let's have her interact with some other characters, mainly Kara. That girl could use some more female friends.

Now this is what I like to see! It's about time that the show remembered that the Danvers Sisters are the heart of the show, not karamel.
After the last few lackluster episodes, it was such a refreshing change of pace to see this one. Pretty much everything worked and we got a nice balance. If Mon-El had been used like

Who said I hated Chris? You…you do realise that he only plays the character, right? Psst, they're not actually the same person.
Also how is my hating Mon-El hypocritical? You do know what that word means, right? Or do you just fling it about to try and make your point stick.
I swear to God, this fandom was pretty

Firstly, outside of devoted comic readers, no one has ever heard of Mon-El the superman knock off.
Also dude, it's a Tv show. No need for personal attacks.
And it's the supercorp shippers that are making the fandom toxic? Right. Sure. Of course.

31st century hero.

You know for someone who thinks supergirl isn't about 'hate', this is the only time I've seen someone personally attack another fan in this fandom that they disagree with. Some people can have arguments without resorting to childish name-calling. You guys are so toxic.