
Pick up a comic every now and then sweetie.

What kins of relationship are you jn where you think that's normal?

who the hell said anything about supercorp? you realize that plenty of people hate mon-el while also not giving two sh**s about who kara gets with, right? some people don't reduce the entire show to romantic relationships. You should try it some time.
Also, mon-el will be gone by season three. Enjoy him while you can.

Having him only listen when another man tells him to instead of Kara herself is a really bad thing that I don't think the writers noticed.

It sure would have been swell if they had ended the episode with Kara and Alex talking. But no, we need more Mon-El trying to be 'better'. That's what's important here.

Kara wasn't ignoring Mon-El last episode; she said she was handling it and she did.

I can't believe that an episode that focused on Jeremiah returning after all these years ended with f**king Mon-El trying to be good boyfriend material. Where the hell have the Danvers sisters gone? What the heck are the writers thinking?
I liked the guy at first, Chris Wood is charming and he had potential, but right

I'm fairly certain he won't last the season, so hopefully we won't have to deal with him for long.
And at least next episode we'll get some Danvers sisters drama. There's always that to look forward to.

Oh I know; I love Supergirl. I made that comment when I was wallowing in Mon-El-induced bitterness. It's better than most shows, but that's not really saying much.

Julian's excitement this episode has me looking forward to the crossover. Let's see how he deals with aliens.

God, Iris has so much potential but they waste her away. The Berlanti verse is terrible with women.

But what would Iris do if she didn't give Barry pep-talks 24/7? Just wander around Central City giving random people unsolicited words of encouragement?

Trying to murder your romantic rival is the epitome of 'clingy'.

James is Narcissus: confirmed.

Yeah, this episode turned me off Karamel completely. I was indifferent towards it originally, but now it's a no-no. Kara deserves someone better than Mon-El.

I'm making a list of every time James has gotten his ass kicked and knocked out this season, but I might have forgotten some because I don't pay much attention to him.
*The guy who broke his camera.
*Dr guy who took Livewire.
*Hench-person of Dr guy who took Livewire.
I feel like I'm gonna have to update this as

I never said that was okay. I said it was the opposite of okay.
I'll just accept your apology and we'll all move on.

My offence is not premature, it is perfectly timed.

" but having both Danvers sisters go gay would basically make this show slash fiction for a 1% audience"
I read the thread, I know exactly what you were inferring. The same thing people always bring up when it comes to two women being even slightly intimate. I know you were responding to Thomas' (also dickish) comment,

Way to reduce an entire real life sexuality to a porn category. Dude.