
He probably doesn't trust his mom, paranoia and all. Also, Lionel was dead and he didn't know about Lena, so it was secure enough.
Not putting it on the door was stupid though. Also that kind of security system is just making it 100% more likely that someone would try to cut off his hand.

James is hella lucky that Metallo was having an off day, or else he would 100% be dead. Will he learn anything from this? Maybe something about not going after Supergirl-level threats by himself because he's having a mid-life crisis and won't just buy a nice car like everyone else?

Dammit man, he Doesn't Need Kara's Protection! He can get his ass kicked and almost die on his own, thank you very much.

J'onn is the leader of the DEO and on par with Supergirl. Guardian (bleh) is his own hero, and mon-el is shaping up to be his own hero too. Female characters on superhero shows get none of that.

They need to keep Lena around as a good guy. Having her turn evil would be just another thing that makes this show too similar to Superman. Also, this show that's supposed to be about female empowerment is getting very dude heavy. More ladies please (and less Guardian).
Other than that, it was a great episode, best in

It's always all or none with these guys. Either they never kill anyone because it's Wrong, or they're psychopaths who kill too many people. A nice middle ground would be nice.

This episode truly did shake up the status quo.

I appreciate how the show took time out of it's 'we have to save Iris' storyline to have an episode that focuses on saving Iris. It was nice to take a break from all that saving Iris.

Alex in the suit, maybe. James at all? No. The dude has a black belt and no proper training in dealing with people like that.

Oh Caitlin. When will these writers stop putting you in pointless romances. You deserve so much better.

See, I'd be alright with that if J'onn didn't have trouble too. James is no Martian Manhunter.

But for real though, Kara was badass in this episode.

It wasn't about the birthday itself, it was about Kara feeling like Alex was pulling away from her. And given Kara's history with abandonment (her parents, Clark), it was totally understandable. They both were, which is what made it so great.

He better not win against Metallo. It took Kara/Alex, and J'onn/Superman to beat their respective Metallos, if James beats him I'm gonna have a stroke from sheer anger.

Ok but for real though, what the hell is up with Winn this season? His whole 'maybe I have a calling too' bullcrap might carry some weight if he still worked at CatCo, but he works for the DEO now? His literal day job is superhero tech support, dealing with major threats against Earth. How is moonlighting as tech

Cop: *steps through the shattered remains of a glass door*

I hope Kara brings it up during the crossover. It seems like something she'd point out with that adorable little crinkle she gets. I can picture her face now.

Winn really should have been fired for that stunt. Withholding important information so that he and his bro could go be bros together was ridiculous.

Its like the writers forget that she casually took the full brunt of a truck slamming into her face and then exploding in the first episode. Either have her be borderline invulnerable or not, but for Gods' sake, pick one,

I feel like a bad person for saying this, but I hope some of that other work gets him killed. And Mon-El poisoned with lead and forced to spend the next thousand years in the Phantom Zone…