
Still salty that Jimmy Olsen, a non-superhero character in the comics, becomes a vigilante and immediately gets to go up against powerful beings like Parasite and survive (and do a bit of damage), while Dinah Laurel Lance, the literal Black Canary, gets depowered, starts off terrible, and gets the crap kicked out of

Honestly, all of the reasons that you pointed out are why I can't take this storyline seriously. It's just too ooc for Kara, so it's not believable.

Agreed. For me it's the increased interest in James, the arrival of Mon-El, and the fact that Kara doesn't even seem like the main character on her own show anymore.

Anyone else feel like James is kinda all up in Supergirls space? I mean I'm not saying that he can't go out and hero by himself or whatever, but twice now he's gone after people Supergirl was already after. The bank robbers for one; there's no way that he didn't know that Kara was on the case, given the massive car

Karas ooc behaviour this episode really brought it down for me. She spends all her time fighting alongside Alex, her human sister, but suddenly only powered people can fight crime? If she had made a case about his lack of training, something even she needed to get, then I'd be okay with it, but she was all about his

Why can't Alex get the Guardian suit and the badass shield?
Imagine her putting on the suit to help Kara a few times and the media is all 'behold, National City's new superhero: Guardian', and Alex is all 'I'm not a damn superhero stop putting me on magazine covers I am a secret operative of a secret government

I'm still not feeling the Guardian stuff. Maybe that'll change when he tells Kara the truth (and if I was her, I'd be very upset. James and Winn were such a big part of her heroic journey and they didn't even bother telling her; that's gotta hurt), maybe not. As it stands, seeing him in the next promo made me groan

You know for the God of Speed, Savitar sure takes his sweet time stabbing people.

One word: vibrations.

I was surprised by how much I liked Thea in the crossover. She was pretty funny without it seeming like the writers were trying too hard. Haven't watched Arrow in years, but I'd be very much okay with her crossing over again.

Ah yes, dear old Uncle Non. I hope we see him again. He should have healed by now.

Throw in drunk Kara too and you've got yourself a deal.

Wasn't it every life in the multiverse except earth 1?

"I didn't know she was capable of being angry." Oh Barry. I'd introduce you to Red Tornado if he wasn't a pile of slag.

I'll admit to not liking it as much as the Flash episode of the crossover, but that's entirely because I haven't watched Arrow in years and only watched it now for Kara. Still good though.
Now bring on Legends!

Actually yeah, we do see heatwave lighting one of them on fire on a ww2 looking battlefield.

They said that the Dominators left for no reason, not that they were fought off.

Barry normally tackles other speedsters (and only other speedsters it seems like). He's not gonna be too much good against a giant spaceship full of aliens with advanced weaponry all by his lonesome.

Actually now that I think about it, wasn't Cisco pissed at Barry directly after he came back from Flashpoint because Barry wouldn't go back in time and save Dante from that crash? I forgot about that.

That's only because Barry is a zippy little shit. He couldn't take her down at all, she couldn't catch him. It didn't undermine her badass status at all.