
That was awesome. Seeing Kara being such a badass was fantastic. Now if only the writers can remember that for her own show.

As much as I love the moral ambiguity at the moment, I would like it if she became firmly good eventually. Not necessarily Kara level good, but still on team good guy. Maybe by the end of the season or the beginning of the next. The constant wondering will eventually get tired.
It's fantastic right now though.

Also when they took Kara's blood, I really thought we'd get Galatea; I really want to see her on the show.

Yeah, I gave James' Guardian storyline a fair shake, but it's a no-go for me. And how would some dude in a suit become National city's 'Golden Boy' overnight? You have a flying alien who shoots lasers out of her eyes and rescues kittens (snakes) from trees. Why is he so interesting to people?

Wasn't he beating up a dude in an alleyway?

Petition to get rid of James, split his screen time between M'gann and J'onn, and give Alex the kickass suit.

I really want to like James but he is just not working for me. This new storyline makes no sense and is out of nowhere; his motivations don't ring true at all, and he comes across like a spoiled brat that wants to play hero his way. I'm not saying that regular Joe humans can't go up against powered beings, just look

Yeah. And even on Arrow they have the rookie vigilantes go up against relatively low level bad guys since they're new and are just starting out. But James? Nah, let's stick him up against the thing (heh) that took down both Supergirl AND Martian Manhunter at the same time.
And on that note, what even was his plan? He

Dead? I thought she came to earth on the scout ship and was in one of the pods; one of which was shown to be open in MoS. If that's the case, it wouldn't be to hard to imagine she could still be alive. Unless you're referring to something I don't know about?

I dunno, I read that line from last week as Alex teasing Kara about everyone's obsession with Superman, not that she was actually interested in him.

By season four Clarke will be introducing herself like Daenerys Targaryen.

Decoy? This is Tatiana Maslany, she probably ate that damn scorpion.

She knows now, but I don't think she knew when she agreed to get rid of Nick's Grimm powers. She's making it seem like she did what she did because of what they did, but as far as she knew at the time, she was betraying people who had helped her and she didn't exactly seem too cut up about it.

Did Adalind even know that it was the Grimm gang who sold out her daughter and not just Renard when she slept with Nick? I can't remember, but something is telling me she didn't.

But won't they show her the body for verification? They don't exactly look alike…

She was under the influence of Hexenbiest. Juliette would never do those things, everyone knows that, so in the end it wasn't her fault.

Man, I'm gonna miss Juliette. I also have two hopes for season 5: that Trubel become a regular, since Juliette's death skews the gender ratio even more in favor of the men; and that Trubel doesn't just brush off killing Juliette. She cared about her, Juliette fed her bacon, she wasn't even able to say goodbye to her

But she was attached. Hugging her and saying "I'm really glad you're you.", not being able to say goodbye to anyone, but "especially not Juliette." Obviously it hit Nick harder, but he's had time to adjust, she hasn't.

Yeah, but it'll be tough for her. Last she saw, Juliette was stable and feeding her bacon. She didn't see her slowly turning evil, so it'll be totally out of left field. Nick might be ready to kill her, but I doubt Trubel will be.

Nah, definitely Nick.