
Sue this town, sue these people! Multiple suits! Legal costs will force changes, hit the wallet, change the mindset or eliminate the transgressor. The Southern Poverty Law Center knows this.

Well, you’re right you don’t have any idea how police departments are funded. You think people aren’t hitting them for money? Those payments come out of municipal funds. It doesn’t hurt the police department who always get their money no matter how shit the financial straits of a city are. So until you change the way

Prime example of why we continue to shout Black Lives Matter. That city has to be a terrible place to live, especially when you have a city manager willing to create a whole new, even more powerful position for this scum.

I hope Ponder doesn’t live there. He has an agenda now and we are swiftly sliding back to the ‘50s. I hope she is safe and surrounded by people she really knows.

$62.50 for jay walking. you have got to be kidding me. Yep, our police are the shake down artists for the government. plain and simple.

You know this, I know this, we all know this. But America is okay with this

...and that’s part of the problem right there. Police officers are regular men and we need to stop treating them like they’re somehow above the law, or have more rights than the rest of us.


Bravo to Shipman for recording this and getting Bolen’s face all over the news. Definitely take it to court!

Let me see if I’m getting this straight; from illegally teaching the kid how to drive, to the setting (Wal-Mart parking lot), plain clothed Good Ol’ Boy showing up to add insult to racism to that mofo “falling on his sword” and into a new job he helped create?

But we don’t have a police problem in this country...

He is getting a “assistant to the city manager position” instead. pfffft

She did the same thing that white guys do every day, but she did it as a black woman so it was uppity. Uppity can be a death penalty felony in shitty little towns in Texas.

The one asshole was illegally teaching his too young kid to drive, and she passed them rather than hang out behind their car.

The coward resigned:

They’ll have to look past their confirmation bias first.

Just another day in White America. Nothing will happen to those abominations, Crews and Beane. They will continue harassing black people at their whim and the town will accept and praise them for it.

Apparently this POS Police Chief resigned today. He now will work as Assistant to the City Manager? WTF.

She had the audacity to be black.

Maybe his daughter learned a lesson: disrespect black women and be rewarded, Texas style. White privilege is an evil drug that needs to be banned.