
He only hates those Muslims that do not license his name and/or enter into business dealings with his company.

What I learned from Ghandi and MLK is that white people love to tout their non-violence when preaching at Black people whilst using violence to get what they want for themselves. Far too many white people expect us to be all kumbaya whilst they inflict violence. That turn the other cheek shit clearly isn’t working.

Apparently we can solve all the problems of bigotry by being perfectly peaceful and honoring the worldview of bigots that wish to either (1) enslave us or (2) deport us. Eventually they’ll change their minds, right?

Why don’t we just condemn all political violence (which this doesn’t even really qualify as). But all of this whatabboutism just perpetuates the problem. I’ve had to correct so many of my conservative friends about the Congressional baseball shooting as they talk about the violence on the Left - what about Gabby

Not to mention that other illicit vendors whose skin tones may be significantly lighter than these unfortunate guys usually receive citations.

What makes you assume that those kids were previously warned and decided to defy those warnings? How come black kids aren’t given the benefit of a doubt like a clean-cut group of white kids would be in the same situation?

He knows as much as you. Aren’t you making an assumption that they’re repeat offenders? Why would you just assume for no evidence that they’re repeat ‘offenders’? Is there something about them that you think implies a disrespect of the law?

To be fair, they looked just like those suspects in that crime that happened at that place, so the officers had to make sure they couldn’t flee while they double-checked.

I remember when I was a kid, I tried to sell some lemonade where I wasn’t supposed to sell it. Didn’t know that at the time because as a kid, I wasn’t well versed in things like zoning laws or business permits. A cop did make me leave the area. He kindly explained it to me, asked me nicely to leave, encouraged my

I’m so glad that, with nooses being thrown out on the mall like beads on Mardi Gras, the Park Police are really cracking down on some kids with water bottles. Cause that is clearly the biggest concern right now.

And I love these kids too. Whether at the mall or at the ball park. One dollar for water? No one should be complaining.

Okay kids

Sure sounded like it. Maybe you should re-read your post and consider the context. But that’s okay, resort to the ad hominem name-calling immediately, ya big baby.

A sense of scale would be fucking great here.

I used to live in Cleveland, now I live about 30 miles away. My sibs and many friends live in Cleveland. I know Tamir Rice’s “hood.” And yet I still can’t help but feel that I wouldn’t find the need to shoot a fucking 12 year old kid.

Not to mention that other illicit vendors whose skin tones may be significantly lighter than these unfortunate guys usually receive citations.

The old stop and frisk all black people policy. And white people are still upset it was ruled unconstitutional.

Dear DC-Area U.S Park Police:

And now that these teens have had it forcibly, graphically demonstrated that even when they are enterprising, entrepreneurial, and hard-working, their work ethic won’t be respected, the only thing left is to shame them if they ever give up, say fuck it, and spend their time relaxing instead of working.

I used to work down at 7 World Trade Center at 250 Greenwich street in Manhattan. That’s Tribeca.