I get actors are artist and whatever, but asking to put your fingers in your coworkers mouth seems a little over the line. MGK seems like a real a-hole too. Think Megan should’ve just left both these idiots where they were standing.
I get actors are artist and whatever, but asking to put your fingers in your coworkers mouth seems a little over the line. MGK seems like a real a-hole too. Think Megan should’ve just left both these idiots where they were standing.
Taylor Swift: dates terrible man who everyone knows is terrible.
She’s in the top 5 of the worst people I’ve ever seen on reality tv. Just so dumb and obnoxious.
Equating two professional entertainers dancing in shiny leotards to sex trafficking is a leap I wasn’t expecting. Wow. These people are miserable assholes.
I agree, but in this case, he has only made the situation worse for himself. I’m glad he defended his daughter and maybe brought as much justice to the situation as possible, but he may go to jail for years now. I don’t know if it’s worth it.
I never really thought about Liam Hemsworth’s age, but finding out he’s 36 and dating a 21 year old really shocked me. I know celebrity life is different from regular person life, but at 31, I can’t imagine having anything in common with a 21 year old. What do they talk about?
Big Freedia about the Beyonce situation:
These are definitely the shoes of a child who’s father is the leader of a cult. He has somehow made a less fun Croc and I’m offended. At least Crocs come in fun colors for kids. These are the ugliest shoes I’ve ever seen. Their kids should riot.
This. If she would have said, “I know I’m in love because he snores so loud every night and I literally want to smother him with a pillow, but I don’t because I like him sometimes”, then I would totally believe it. Her quote sounds like something a PR firm told her to say.
Kourtney: Plastic is bad for environment!
The acting looks great and it looks like they built a great story based on the last few years of her life, but the singing... It’s not bad, but Judy Garland had such a distinct voice. There is really nothing like it. That’s what’s missing for me. I almost wish they would have just used recordings. RZ does seem to do a…
I hate Kanye and love Chaka, but even I can admit that was one of his best songs and she sounds great on it even if they did speed it up a bit. She seems a bit sauced during this interview though. Please get Auntie some water, Andy.