only a snickers

The new Moose Blood is kind of boring.

You just summed up my feelings about most of Spike Lee's filmography. When he hits, he hits it out (DTRT, 25th Hour, Inside Man, Chi Raq). But even his misses tend to be fascinating, at least in my eyes.

I actually thought Bridge of Spies looked like a History Channel reenactment. Lincoln and Munich look spectacular though.

It would have been a great line without the "not even eating."

That would take another 3 years to investigate.

This looks great and all but I can't help but wonder why Infinity Gauntlet wasn't Avengers 2 and Civil War Avengers 3. The story is big enough to split into 2 parts and is much more interesting than end of the world stuff again.

Were those in good condition when you got them? I'm an Ellroy nut so I wouldn't mind having those four in hardback at all.

Hey I got that for Christmas too. Except I wanted it. I had just finished reading most of his other stuff.

I love Cloverfield. Well, most of Cloverfield. The monster stuff is Top Shelf monster stuff from design to intensity and I am a complete sucker for it.

Those people are probably mad because he did more with that aesthetic in one short album than Death Grips had done with it since Exmilitary

Yeah. The fact that the synth builds up to that over the course of the song instead of just being dropped in makes it even more incredible.

South Park already did it.

Youre wrong but thats ok.

You know the weird thing about The Maze Runner 2? I've seen every ad for it on TV, before YouTube videos, my local Barnes and Noble; but I was shocked to find out that it opens this Friday. I'm not particularly interested in it but I'm kind of fascinated by how badly I missed the date.

Thats a bit like not liking alcohol but liking shots of vodka.

I quite like this.

Didn't Skyler and Walt discuss it before she went back to work for Ted? I always thought it was Walt's decision in service of his ego; he wanted to be seen as the sole provider of his family. This is pretty much the complete opposite of Hank and Marie. In fact, Marie may make more than Hank does.

And the smartest person in the movie.

Whats the yams?

They might have. But by the time they noticed, it would have been too late to do anything about it. They weren't going to risk losing the car to look for a person on foot who was probably in disguise anyway.