
This article neglected to mention that Luigi is actually GREEN MARIO. I feel like out of any outrage today, it’s that this is actually MARIO who DIED. GREEN MARIO. Yes.

Why can’t I star this? This deserves all my stars.

Did people seriously believe Nintendo would never make another proper Animal Crossing game ever again?

That was some master level of trolling they did. My heart sunk, tried to remain positive, broke and then it’s finally here!

I think they had to remind us to keep watching until the end because I was about to quit the stream and throw my Switch out the fucking window when that turned into a Smash Bros. announcement. Thank goodness they announced Animal Crossing very quickly after that.

OK this is hilarious

Yes, it’s a vague/dumb headline, I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to spoil it!

I remember the news hit when Disney/Marvel banned all phones from set while filming. I thought to myself “Man, the Russo brothers run a tighter ship than the WH.”

This will be my last thought as the bomb drops. 

The book was #3 on the best seller list, at least for a bit. I assume there is money in that.

I was at a meeting with a company a couple of months ago which makes stuff for dog hydrotherapy (pools you let a dog swim in) and before the meeting we all had to put our phones in a locker outside the room. They stayed in the locker until the meeting was finished, and we picked them up afterwards. A company which

Seems like a lot of work - and a lot of cooning

She is following her passion.

She used her personal cellphone, a fact we didn’t know before.

I gotta say, I did NOT see that apology coming. Nice job, everyone.

uh 12 years? and you got out? da fuq is wrong with you.

I’ve always thought the title “Petty Officer” was somewhat petty. Getting on a naval ship in the first place and surviving past the first six months requires that individual to basically be a badass.

Did I just witness a genuine apology in an internet forum? Kudos to you, good sir.

Let’s just all unite here and hate Donald Dickhead.

Well. Looks like I am the dick head. Apologies and thanks for your service.