Is it weird that of all of these, the thing that bothers me most is that someone is dumb enough to ask why yoshi, a reptile, doesn’t have nipples?
Is it weird that of all of these, the thing that bothers me most is that someone is dumb enough to ask why yoshi, a reptile, doesn’t have nipples?
You’ll never know until you try!
If I put my PS4 next to my computer, go to insert the disk into the PS4, but then deftly put it in my PC, would that be enough to fool Bungie into thinking my PC is a console?
Lol. “You’re Fucking up/You’re a moron” is usually getting punched in the face in my experience.
This may or may not be a clue in real life when you’re being a moron too.
There’s an oft-used mechanic in the game where you pick up a glowing ball and have to put it somewhere. If you’re in a group and you see this mechanic, don’t pick up the glowing ball unless you know what to do with it. Ideally, watch what another player does with it first. The game isn’t always super clear about it.
You’re right, white supremacists are dumb.
The unfortunate truth is that hate groups thrive on this sort of mentality.
yes, and welcome to the internet.
I had no idea Kek is used for that now, I’ve been using Kek for years. I guess it’s similar to how Nazi’s used a swastika that was originally a symbol of peace, how sad.
Seems like you haven’t been there lately.
Good on Bungie. Don’t give that kind of people any inch of representation on this industry.
Fox: “Has Mario gone PC!?”
Nintendo: “No, not since Mario Teaches Typing II.”
Fox: “Well, back stage we have a friend of yours who says otherwise... Say hello to the Dolphin developers!”
Nintendo: “YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!” *throws a chair*
Audience: “JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!”
You’ll say that. I said that. Then you’ll play. At first you’ll hate it. “This is stupid!” you’ll cry—then slowly, before you know it, they’ll be in your brain, swarming like bees, and you won’t be able to look away.
Said the same thing. I hate the stupid Rabbids, but the game, is great otherwise.
No Gita. I’m not playing anything with Rabbids.
Too deep for Fox News. Hypocrisy is the name of the game.
I have to admit when I first heard “Is it a PC thing?”, I was like, “No, Nintendo will never port any of their software to PC. Idiot...”
I wish I could give that post more likes dude but I can’t. “Spent the last 30 years chasing tail and turtles in a psychedelic, mushroom-infused dream state” awesome.
I’ve unclogged a toilet now and then and fallen down pipes too, but I don’t call myself a plumber either... Dude’s spent the last 30 years chasing tail and turtles in a psychedelic, mushroom-infused dream state. Mario is a lot of things, but a plumber ain’t one of them.
Mario isn’t a man. He’s a concept, a spirit disconnected from the flow of time in our universe, that re-appears at will, acting upon whatever circumstance he comes upon, before disassociating with our chronology entirely. He removes the cause from the effect.