
Plamsa ruins the meat. gives it a metallic taste, you need particle beam or rail gun.

I tell ya right now I'd be camping in the woods, huntin slag beasts with a plasma cannon in that thing.

Want the ATV deets...

Orbeetle might be the first time I’ve stuck with a bug type from the start of a game all the way to the end. It’s such a useful typing mix and it’s so cool design-wise. I love the fact that it looks like a ladybug-themed Gundam... or Gundam-themed lady bug... whatever, you get the idea.

I love snom. I dropped everything to get a well statted snom and evolve it into frosmoth when i discovered it. I also have a weakness for the bug types. I intend to make a full bug team once i beat the game, to live out my bug gym master fantasy for the first time.

It’s misogynist to have a character who is a walking pair of tits but it’s ALSO misogynist to not let her express her freedom to be a walking pair of tits...

And also transphobic somehow??? you lost me on that one.

Well, we-I mean they! ... uh... the thing is... what you have to understand is... well... I mean... Honestly, what even is “happy” anyways?

Quit it with the video-only articles. 

As a storyteller, to say that you’ve “had” to save your black woman for a story is a bit weird, because you’re the writers, and you write the story, and there is nothing you have or don’t have to do. You could have altered the story (most of the story isn’t even in the game proper). You could have changed the

That’s how japanese models often pose. It’s supposed to look cute and relatable.

I love the speed running community. These are my people: complete weirdos.

Great, we are creating an unstoppable army of Nintendo speedrunners to kill everyone lining up for the Sonic the Hedgehog movie.

Man, there’s a bunch of dipshits in the comments essentially all crying “I don’t like protests when they’re inconvenient!”

I expect they’ll act roughly the same, though maybe with a smaller banhammer. I’d love to be proven wrong, though.

Unless your only hobby in the entire world is Blizzard games I simply can’t respect this “Stop standing up for people and let me play mah video games” attitude you seem to have. You come across as devoid of empathy and utterly seflish. The fact that rather than just going on playing their games and supporting them you

Gee, I’m so sorry. It’s crazy that people like me care to point out silly things like companies participating in the suppression of dissent against an authoritarian government during a massive crackdown on millions of people wanting nothing more than democracy and personal freedom.

Announcing that they’re revoking Blitzchung’s suspension would be a good start towards showing actual remorse.

As Kotaku noted, Blizzard gave a dodgy apology to open Blizzcon. They also, notably, did not revoke Blitzchung’s 6 month suspension.

I’m gonna go ahead and guess none of this is actually hypothetical, and I’m going to stand in solidarity with you.

I didn’t start drinking while gaming in any serious way until Demons’ Souls came out. I was twenty-seven at the time.

I’d been drinking since I was twenty-one, and tended to be a heavy drinker when I did

I think there’s been a perception that the Tesla Model S is a luxury car in the same sense that a BMW or Mercedes is. It’s never been anything more than the Camry/Accord of EVs, so the Taykan being a lot nicer isn’t surprising.