
Yeah, this one needs to stay up because nothing, and I mean nothing, better captures white music than this statue. It’s all there.. overlord white man triumphantly self-satisfied with his own negro playing songs to make mighty white man feel better yes, but mostly to make mighty white man reel in hard owned money

He could’ve cosplayed King Of Fighters’ Tungfu Rue too.

He even resisted those Sailor Moon-type fighters! I for sure thought they were going to be his downfall haha.

BakedAlaska asking what to do with his eyes and moaning as some other nazi fuck pats his back like he’s a little fucking baby is SO FUCKING FUNNY.

You know the Trump children aren’t afraid. Their parents show them a lot of healthy, normal affection.


I...this is...fuck. I’m speechless. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?

What did I just watch????

Literally in the past 5 minutes this idiot commented on my Twitter feed...

He claims he has permanent eye damage and anyone making fun of him are assholes.

Keep trying sugar britches....

Let’s add this.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- I will never not click a gif or video of that punch. I still giggle every time.

TSA is always hiring.


“Welcome to the Department of Justice!”