Counterpoint: 2v2 is the realest Rocket League
Counterpoint: 2v2 is the realest Rocket League
Ah, this isn’t crazy at all. These guys need to be playing a ridiculous amount to stay at the top of their game. The amount of time they pour into their game of choice is crazy, thousands upon thousands of hours.
Says in a statement, “and I don’t care, I’m getten some.” True quote, i swear, lol
I came here to post “To the relief of women everywhere” but now I’m just angry that he’s conventionally attractive.
For some reason the first thought that came to mind was “masturbation counts as sensual pleasures?”
Then I saw him without his shirt off...
I would make a joke about a pro league player finally touching the skin of another woman (or man), but then I remembered that the Korean teams are followed by hordes of shrieking female fans when they play at home. The crowds in China are even bigger, and Apdo/Dopa is a pinup star in both countries.
owned + owen wilson means that I just got
Meanwhile on the Switch I think the game is beautiful and it runs like butter.
“Safe Ass Mother Fucker” is good, actually.
Having just purchased a Nintendo Switch, I would now disagree with that statement (although in the past I was all for Nintendo going third-party). Their hardware isn’t spec-impressive, but as a functional whole it does enhance the player experience. I love the fact that I can play Zelda at home, then un-dock it and…
More shocking revelations at 10.
You can’t just copyright a game type or idea. They have zero basis for any type of claim.
I can’t play my PC games in my car on my lunch break though!
if I spent all of my money on games, my toy collecting habit would go to shit and I can’t have that!
Hey, at least they had the decency not to include 1 2 switch.
Or, alternately, “The 8 onliest games for the Nintendo Switch”