A bad wrap is an unappetizing sandwich made of fillings wrapped in a tortilla. A bad rap—otherwise known as a bum rap—is dishonor resulting from false accusations or trumped-up charges.
A bad wrap is an unappetizing sandwich made of fillings wrapped in a tortilla. A bad rap—otherwise known as a bum rap—is dishonor resulting from false accusations or trumped-up charges.
I recently had this exact experience while swapping out my MB/CPU. It was a very pleasant surprise.
Excuse me, but the most powerful figure in chess is a woman, and calling her a lunatic is a typical patriarchy response to a strong woman.
The cool thing is, if you get the Ocarina, you can play Daewon’s Song and speak to him if you need advice and you can even check out the Ed Templeton of Time at some point.
Hmm. In my state it seems to be Sombra...
Obviously rigged, Sombra hacked the results.
Remind him to turn off the Wi-Fi so he gets good frame rates.
Do it! I’ve been playing Destiny since day 1 and don’t have a single regret. Been playing consistently ever since :D
Cayde was the first character in Destiny 1 to not be garbage, so naturally they lead with him this time. “We promise our world won’t suck this time.”
Woah woah no love for the Iron Lord ShaxXx. Yeah he is pretty bland in story mode but i’ll never get tired of him yelling at me in crucible. I also found Eris to be pretty cool.
This has been the tone of Destiny since House of Wolves. They course-corrected big time to make the whole thing more jaunty and fun and character-driven.
It has more character than Destiny 1 at launch, but The Taken King had a bunch of similar cutscenes (with Cayde-6 as well) that started an upward swing in Destiny’s character and world building.
He’s already President of my pants.
they made a good decision showcasing Cayde-6 (Nathan Fillion) in that. He’s arguably the best character in the game.
This already has more character than the whole first game lol
Deadpool didn’t invent the smarmy, smart ass, sarcastic, self aware character type, just saying.
I’ve been on the periphery of Destiny stuff since it launched, seeing as I lacked a platform to play it (yay for all-but-confirmed PC launch for the sequel). My general gist of the setting has been “epic-y cool-looking but substantively-blandy space opera-ish stuff.”
Fillion for President in 2020.