
It might be funnier if some-BODY...

Honestly I think this was an incredible design decision. I love that the game doesn’t spoon feed me everything, but leaves a ton of bread crumbs I can find that will help me out.

Did you talk enough to the old man? After doing the first shrine he will tell you to look around for the remaining three shrines from atop of the tower, if you visit him in his cabin I do think he mentions that you need to prepare for the mountains because they are cold.
If you read his diary in the cabin he will also

Some of the most fun I’ve had with this game is stubbornly refusing to retreat from a situation I could easily revisit and conquer once I’m stronger.

The flying fuckers.

You can parry their laser blast for a one-hit kill.

Don’t waste ancient arrows. Just use your shield parry to reflect back at them. One-shot kill on the non-mobile ones.

Oh yeah. Just parry the laser beam with a pot lid. NBD.

I tried to climb down the cliff right where the title drop happens. Slipped and died. Good times.

You can?!? So much time wasted jumping off the sides of cliffs argh

Note:I’m responding directly to you because the bigot supporting furry is dismissing replies.

Jango’s dismissing replies he doesn’t like, so I thought I’d leave my response to him here:

Jango said:

I am recommending this post, because this should be well known.

I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way

I know. I gave up trying to reason that out because it would have been a waste of my time with the thread OP. It’s Nintendo’s fault and like Obama, it’s -always- Nintendo’s fault, they should just refund everyone’s money even though the problem doesn’t effect everyone, all of the Japan home office should slit their

If you submit a bicycle DESIGN to a factory and they make 300 of them that work perfectly fine, and 25 that have slightly bent handlebars, it’s not because there was a a flaw in the DESIGN you submitted to them, it was because something went wrong with a tool or machine in the FACTORY that caused a defect. As the

It’s not really a true defect if it’s simply an issue from one production line in a factory out of many that has already been corrected.

A real defect is like the Red Ring of Death that Microsoft designers flat out knew from the jump was b/c of flaws with the overall system design.

This is both an extremely pedantic line of argument and one that doesn’t seem especially informed on quality control. Or public relations, for that matter.

This is a QA/QC issue, not a design issue. The part was designed correctly. It was installed incorrectly in a minority of units. Because of their failure to catch

That wasn’t a defect, that was a straight up disaster.

Both the explanation and the proposed fix line up pretty much with what I’ve seen from teardown videos of the controller. A mispositioned antennae seems to be the problem, and the conductive foam should strengthen the signal enough to negate the issue.