
VLC encountered a problem with Windows

Ha! Those dumb cops were still using Winamp. What a helpful protester!

Help others install VLC, like this protester assisting the police with their install!

Your comment reminded me of the Cave Johnson line " I'll be honest, we're just throwing science at the wall here to see what sticks. No idea what it'll do"

I don't know, No Man's Sky feels like it's on a well-defined path, while Star Citizen is meandering all over the place. They keep adding new pieces to a board that hasn't fully coalesced yet.


at least let me play galaga during this time.

I genuinely love this game, but for the life of me I don't understand why they spent so much time creating different kinds of ships that do NOTHING but hover on a loading screen, while everyone has the same one design of speeder which gets used all the time.

Rocking the same ship on my Titan.

Oh yeah?

Blizzard's racist!!

Nintendo's one to talk:

But... it wasn't...

Not sure if trolling... but, what else could you possibly have wanted? More characters, sure, but I think we'll get more along with Mewtwo. They're not going to wait 4 months after release to offer DLC with 1 character and nothing else.

All the WiiU exclusive stuff went above and beyond my expectations.

And all this time I though it was a disembodied voice projected by sheer willpower from Sakurai.

Hearing that voice come out of him is absolutely magical though.

My temper and tendency to use twitter to vent has been a consistent problem since I entered the games industry, and I just can't do it. I don't have the willpower necessary to be the "face" of a company. If I do continue to work in games it'll be as an anonymous 1 of 1000 at some shitty corporation, not the most

The man died fighting. Valhalla has expediently approved his application.

Konami has the adults covered.